China News Service, June 1st, June 1st is Children's Day. Aier Ophthalmology Pediatric Ophthalmologists recommend that children should establish eye health files as soon as possible, and make timely and regular inspections to prevent the occurrence of eye diseases. 0-6 years old is a critical period for the development of children's eye vision function. If eye diseases are not discovered and treated in time, it will have a significant impact on the development of visual function.

  It is understood that children's eye health problems behave differently at different ages. Newborn children may have some congenital fundus diseases, congenital cataracts, neonatal dacryocystitis, etc. The incidence of the disease is not high, but if there is a problem, the health of the eye will be greatly affected. With the gradual development of eyes, children may also have problems with hyperopia, strabismus, amblyopia, and myopia may occur when the eye is used too much.

  Yang Jiwen, deputy director of the Liaoning Provincial District of Aier Eye Hospital Group, suggested that parents should take the initiative to establish eye health files for each child, so that doctors can conduct timely examinations at different times in a timely manner, and find eye problems first, and Effective treatment.

  "Now for children one or two months old, we all have corresponding examinations, which can be used to judge the health of the eyes based on the baby's eye position or pupil reflexes." Yang Jiwen said, as the child grows older, the inspection items Will be more and more detailed. For example, children with refractive errors (myopia, etc.) can usually be checked relatively accurately at about one year of age.

  At the same time, Yang Jiwen reminded parents to pay attention to their children's eyes. For example, some children are born with cataracts, and because their parents observe very carefully, they can find that the pupils of the children are white. If there is too much obstruction of sight, surgery should be performed in time. "Whether it is a month or a month old child, the sooner the better. The refractive correction will be done as soon as possible after the operation to avoid the possibility of amblyopia in the future."

  Establish the correct concept of prevention and control, pay close attention to the critical period of eye vision development, and address the common misunderstandings of prevention and control of children ’s eye diseases, Yang Jiwen said: "Some parents cry and make trouble after seeing their children wearing glasses. Glasses, this is very wrong. "

  It is understood that 0-6 years old is a key period for the development of children's eye vision function, and also a key period for the formation of various eye hygiene habits. June 6 this year is the 25th National "Eye Love Day", with the theme "Visual 2020, focusing on universal eye health". Yang Jiwen reminded parents that children's eye disease is still the focus of attention, we must establish a correct concept of prevention and control, and pay attention to children's eye health.