Interview with the victim of the Liberal Democratic Net on the Internet Confirmation of a method to improve the method Confirmed on June 1, 19:25

A woman who was a professional wrestler who appeared on a commercial broadcaster committed suicide during a series of slandering slurs on the SNS.The Liberal Democratic Party interviewed people who were also victims, and wrote in the future. It has been confirmed that the law will be considered in order to prevent

It is believed that professional wrestler Hana Kimura, who appeared on a Fuji TV program that records shared life in a share house, died last month while committing suicide on the SNS, and committed suicide.

The Liberal Democratic Party held a meeting of a working team to consider measures on the 1st, and also heard from people who had suffered similar slander on the net.

In this, talented smiley Kikuchi complained that he has been suffering from factless rootless slander for many years, and a medical-related organization erroneously reported that a nosocomial infection of the new coronavirus occurred. I explained that there is a medical institution that is having a problem.

The work team confirmed that it would consider the necessary legal arrangements to quickly identify who posted to prevent the posting of sloppy debris on the net, and would recommend to the government soon.

Smiley Kikuchi told reporters, "We hope that the law will be revised so that even anonymous people can quickly identify it. We want to be responsible for the expression and have an internet environment that everyone can use safely."