How to relieve anxiety in high school entrance examination candidates

  This year's candidates taking the high school entrance examination may be the most anxious session. Firstly, due to the impact of the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic, the school was suspended. Candidates were put on a "long vacation" unexpectedly and could only rely on themselves to "cloud listen to classes" and "cloud self-study." Many people said that they are preparing for the exam at home, "lack of learning atmosphere, it is difficult to concentrate, and they are afraid to drop the review progress, and they have no idea." With the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, students returned to school and resumed classes, but some candidates still felt uncomfortable and felt “nervous” and “anxious”. Because the rhythm of preparing for the test was suddenly disrupted, the original test that made people “stressed” was now It is even more worrying.

  It is now just over a month away from the college entrance examination and the middle school entrance examination. How can a candidate make a good psychological adjustment in order to relieve anxiety, not be overwhelmed by pressure, and achieve good results in the examination? To this end, a reporter from China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily interviewed experts from Peking University Sixth Hospital.

Face the objective reality that cannot be changed

  Qian Ying, deputy chief physician of Peking University Sixth Hospital, said that in order to reduce the bad emotions caused by excessive stress, we must first manage the sources of stress. "To change what we can change, we must face it with objective reality that cannot be changed and accept it with a positive attitude."

  Qian Ying said that too much pressure brings a lot of negative emotions, often manifested as upset and unable to learn quietly; it is easier to lose temper than usual, and it will have a greater reaction when encountering small things; insomnia, no appetite, and no way to find out Causes of physical discomfort etc. If these emotions are not recognized in time, or blindly suppressed, negative emotions may accumulate, eventually leading to greater emotional problems. Therefore, when you find that you have bad emotions, you must learn to accept it, and then use the correct way to vent.

  There are many ways to vent negative emotions. Qian Ying suggested: "You can change a learning environment that makes you feel relaxed; you can also talk with your family and friends, or listen to music, and take a deep breath. In addition, go to moderate activities outdoors and mobilize other senses of your body to let your emotions get Release is also a process of decompression. In addition, mindfulness therapy, music therapy, exercise therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and drug therapy using psychology all help to regulate emotions."

  Congzhong, the chief physician of Peking University Sixth Hospital, emphasized that before the college entrance examination, only by maintaining a good attitude can you achieve your best results. He suggested that candidates set a reasonable test score goal in their hearts, "normal play."

Keep a good attitude and use only eight points

  What kind of mentality is a good mentality? Cong Zhong said that the feeling of a good state of mind is: ease, freedom, autonomy, feeling that the mind is "flexible", and maintaining interest, fun, and confidence in learning. Cong Zhong believes that the secret recipe for maintaining a good attitude is to use only eight points of "heart and spirit".

  Cong Zhong explained: "When you run for 100 meters, when you start to run, the speed will increase immediately; but when you reach a certain speed, although you still want to be faster in your heart, you will feel the legs fluttering, there is no strength, this If you continue to work hard, you will strain your muscles and you will not be able to run."

  From the perspective of the cluster, using the brain is like running, and you should not use too much force. You must learn to use it scientifically. "If you find that no matter how hard you try, the results are stable and not rising, it means that the platform period has been entered, and the cost-effectiveness ratio is declining. If you work harder at this time, the results will not only rise, but will decline, which means' strength "It's too much." "Excessive force" will cause excessive consumption of the brain, or even damage, affecting the test scores. "

  Cong Zhong said: "When reviewing before the exam, if you have a lot of energy, you only need to use about eight points a day, it is already in a good state." If "Xin Jiner" is used too much, it will often cause anxiety, Fear, insomnia, difficulty concentrating attention, unclear thinking logic, memory loss, dizziness, confusion, fatigue, and learning fatigue. At this time, we must pay attention to remind ourselves to "slow down", self-psychological adjustment, and relieve yourself.

  Qian Ying reminded candidates that when they feel irritable, anxious, and unable to learn, do not blame themselves, nor do they have to insist on learning. "This is the body's signal to tell you that it's time to relax. The appropriate approach at this time is to accept your anxiety and let the anxiety be released through exercise, music or other favorite methods before you can return to effective. Learning Status".

  Qian Ying specifically pointed out that rest and relaxation are also an important part of preparing for the exam. "We have to listen to the sound of the body. Only after taking a good rest can we learn more efficiently in the next step. So, don't worry about wasting time, this is also accumulating energy for yourself.

Stabilize mood and life order

  According to Qian Ying, the existence of pressure is not useless. For candidates, maintaining moderate pressure also has a positive meaning. "If there is no pressure, the learning efficiency will be very low, and it is difficult to concentrate for a long time. Moderate pressure can enhance the internal driving force and maximize the learning efficiency."

  Cong Zhong believes that emotional state plays a key role in the examination. Candidates should try to maintain emotional stability during the test preparation. He reminded parents in particular not to disturb candidates continuously because of their anxiety. "Parents must endure their inner anxiety, establish clear interpersonal boundaries, and do not spread their own anxiety to the child's side."

  In addition, maintaining a stable order of life is also essential for candidates' "normal play". Cong Zhong said that the body's vegetative nerves and brains most like "regular life." Therefore, candidates should get up on time every day during the test preparation, fall asleep on time, do not make surprises, maintain regular and adequate sleep, put an end to staying up late, and keep regular diet, and minimize sudden changes in life rhythm.

  "For candidates, the most important thing is to focus on their progress, rather than always thinking about how much they have not learned." Qian Ying said.

  The cluster also reminds everyone: "Learning is not about learning as much as you want, but how much you can actually learn. As Freud said, everyone can only learn what they can learn." He It is recommended that each candidate ask themselves: "Have you worked hard?" If you work hard, even if your score is not satisfactory, you must accept the reality. Ask yourself again: "Are you lazy?" As long as you are not lazy, you are a very competent student.

  China Youth Daily · China Youth Daily reporter Xia Jin Source: China Youth Daily