On the second floor of the Houhu Street Administrative Center in Jiang'an District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, there is a comprehensive service center for retired soldiers called "Rongchuang Camp". Its founder Tian Lingzhi served in the Air Force for 28 years.

  Tian Lingzhi, who retired in 2016 and chose to choose his own job, with the original intention of doing some practical work for retired soldiers, took out all the retired funds and savings of 500,000 yuan. , Provide skills training and other services.

  When Zhang Shuai retired from a special army brigade of the Army and found Tian Lingzhi, he had already voted for more than 100 resumes in the Zhilian recruitment, but there was no response. Zhang Shuai poured water on Tian Lingzhi. After listening quietly, Tian Lingzhi said: "You don't know the market, and your resume is not written properly." She suggested Zhang Shuai to join Rongchuang Camp for employment training. After training, Zhang Shuai was quickly hired by a company.

  "Retired soldiers are stumbling on the employment path, and some of them can't let go of the 'official' thoughts, and they are caused by highs and lows." Tian Lingzhi said that when a comrade who had been a director was seeking a job, he blindly emphasized his past leadership experience , Non-leadership positions do not go. Tian Lingzhi invited this comrade-in-arms to Rongchuang Camp to help him analyze his strengths and weaknesses. After several exchanges, the comrade-in-arms ’ideas gradually changed, and he realized that it was a wise choice to do a good job, and finally found a career suitable for him.

  Tian Lingzhi has established a huge database of retired military personnel, and has provided services for thousands of people. "Most retired soldiers need to be employed. 90% of self-selected military transfer cadres want to be employed and 10% want to start a business. Retired cadres have greater spiritual and cultural needs." Tian Lingzhi said that Rongchuang camp is to serve these three groups. .

  More than 30 retired veterans came to Rongchuang camp during the "August 1st" festival in 2019. They raised their right hands before the soldiers ’oath and solemnly sworn:" I am a soldier of the Chinese People's Liberation Army ... " The rod is straight. Tian Lingzhi watched all this silently. The next day, one of her ideas began to be implemented, forming a veteran publicity team, a performance team, a sports team, a support team, a painting and calligraphy studio ... to build a "home" for retired soldiers, so that they can write, dance and dance here Singing can also lead a party organization life collectively.

  "At present, our most important thing is to do every job right now. The future Rongchuang camp hopes to unite social forces and become a favorite home for retired soldiers." Tian Lingzhi said with confidence.

  "Guangming Daily" (Version 02, May 31, 2020)