• Coronavirus, the Pope recites the global Rosary. Prayer to Mary: "Free us from all dangers"
  • Coronavirus, the Pope to the Roman priests: "We lived the cry of God, you did not run away"
  • Sunday Pope Francis takes back the Regina Coeli with the faithful in the square
  • Pope appears in St. Peter's Square and greets the faithful: "Church companion of every man's street"


May 31, 2020 "Today that St. Peter's Square is open is a pleasure, we can go back". So the Pope turned to the faithful present in the square for Regina Coeli, the first with the Holy Father at the window after almost three months. Everyone wears the mask and respects the distance of one meter from each other. As required by the anti-covid measures - before entering under the Pope's study - they were subjected to temperature control. 

Pope's new appeal for everyone to have access to treatment even in the coronavirus emergency. The Pope, to Regina Coeli, reminds us that "the Amazon Synod ended seven months ago; today, the feast of Pentecost, we invoke the Holy Spirit to give light and strength to the Church and society in the Amazon, severely tried by the pandemic".

"Many are infected and deceased, even among indigenous peoples, - remembers Francesco - particularly vulnerable. By the intercession of Mary, Mother of the Amazon, I pray for the poorest and most defenseless of that dear Region, but also for those of the whole world, and I appeal that no one miss health care. "

"There is no right or left Church" There is no right or left
Church, of progressives or conservatives. It is necessary "to look at the Church as the Spirit does, not as the world does". So Pope Francis in the homily of the Pentecost Mass at the Altar of the Chair, in St. Peter's Basilica. "The world sees us on the right and left, of this or that ideology; the Spirit sees us of the Father and Jesus. II the world - emphasized the Pontiff - sees conservatives and progressives; the Spirit sees children of God. The worldly gaze sees structures to be made more efficient; the spiritual gaze sees brothers and sisters begging for mercy. The Spirit loves us and knows everyone's place in everything: for him we are not confetti carried by the wind, but irreplaceable pieces of his mosaic ".

"Worse than this crisis, there is only the drama of wasting it, closing ourselves in ourselves", continues the Pontiff. "So we need the Holy Spirit, a gift from God who heals us from narcissism, victimization and pessimism". That "free us from the mirror, from complaints and from the dark," he added. We pray to the Holy Spirit, he continued, because "it revives in us the memory of the gift received. Free us from the paralysis of selfishness and ignite in us the desire to serve, to do good". "Come, Holy Spirit: You who are harmony, make us builders of unity; You who always give yourself, give us the courage to come out of ourselves, to love and help us, to become one family".

Bad disease Church is being a 'nest' of closed groups
"The Spirit does not want the memory of the Master to be cultivated in closed groups, in cenacles where one likes to 'make a nest'". The "secret of unity" is the gift, the Pope said. And nesting, he stressed out loud, "is a bad disease of the Church, the Church not a community, not a family, not a Mother but a 'nest'". The Spirit, added the Pontiff, "opens, relaunches, pushes beyond what has already been said and already done, beyond the precincts of a timid and guarded faith. In the world, without a compact structure and a calculated strategy, things are falling apart. In the Church, on the other hand, the Spirit guarantees unity to those who announce. And the Apostles go: unprepared, get involved, go out. Only one desire animates them: to give what they have received ".

Faith is not defending one's ideas with a drawn sword
"Even among us there are differences, for example of opinions, choices, sensitivity. The temptation is always to defend with a sword treats one's own ideas, believing them to be good for everyone, and going only agree with those who think like us. This is a bad temptation that divides. " 

# 31May #Pentecost Mass in St. Peter's, the #Papa recalls that the Holy Spirit pushed the Church "beyond the precincts of a timid and guarded faith .. Free us from the paralysis of selfishness and ignite in us the desire to serve, to do good "https://t.co/JCYFqXfIij pic.twitter.com/iNdrdquGcy

- Vatican News (@vaticannews_it) May 31, 2020
"Investing in health, work and eliminating inequalities"
"The Holy Spirit gives wisdom and advice. In these days let us invoke him on those who are required to make delicate and urgent decisions, so that they protect life human dignity and the dignity of work. We invest on this: on health, at work, on the elimination of inequalities and poverty. Never before do we need a gaze full of humanity: you cannot start again from pursuing your success without worry about who is left behind. " So Pope Francis in the video broadcast as part of the liturgical service of Pentecost by the archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, to the participants in the event of the global prayer movement 'Thy Kingdom Come', on the occasion of the solemnity of Pentecost.