Xinhua News Agency, Changsha, May 31 (Reporter Shuai Cai) May 31 this year is the 33rd World No Tobacco Day. Experts pointed out that in addition to being prone to respiratory diseases, prolonged smoking "hardcore smokers" also have a higher probability of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, stroke, and aortic aneurysms. The earlier the smoking age, the longer the smoking time, the daily smoking volume The greater the risk of illness.

  Wang Wenxiang, director of the Thoracic Oncology Surgery Center of the Hunan Cancer Hospital, said that a lit cigarette will release more than 4,000 harmful substances. Tobacco has a great damage to the human respiratory system and cardiovascular system. The airway purification ability of long-term smokers is reduced, and symptoms such as coughing will occur. Many people think that this is chronic bronchitis, which has not attracted attention. With the increase of smoking age, patients will have decreased cardiopulmonary function, lung function damage, shortness of breath after activity, chest tightness, and late stage may lead to hypertension, emphysema, stroke, pulmonary heart disease and other diseases.

  Professor Zhang Guogang, dean of the Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, told reporters that smoking is an important cause of cardiovascular disease. In recent years, patients with cardiovascular disease admitted to hospitals have shown a trend of younger age, and most of them have long-term smoking habits. Professor Zhang Guogang suggested that maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system requires maintaining healthy blood pressure, controlling cholesterol, lowering blood sugar, scientific exercise, eating healthy, maintaining normal weight, and quitting smoking. It is recommended that smokers quit smoking as soon as possible, such as quitting before the age of 30, can reduce the risk of lung cancer by 90%. Studies have shown that smokers will greatly reduce the risk of heart disease after quitting smoking for 5 years.