Closed borders and isolation seemed to prevent seasonal workers from accessing Swedish agriculture. The Employment Service therefore started a two-week fast training together with the rest training. The purpose was to prepare unemployed Swedes for work in an industry thirsting for labor.

- Quite quickly, we started planning to run this short education, to bring out labor to the industry. But now we have paused the education, the employers are very positive but they are waiting, says Sandra Lennartsson, project manager at Whatan Adult Education.

But now you are applying the handbrake and the training does not take in more applicants. The industry has been awaiting and few of the students in the education even come to internships.

"The education was commissioned by the industry, but now it seems that they solve it themselves," says Jan Andersson, subproject manager at the Employment Service.

"Too short education"

From the trade organization LRF, it is believed that education is partly too short and that the EU decision to allow travel for labor in the food industry means that you can now get your foreign labor as planned.

"It's about getting experienced workers here where you often have a personal connection and these recruitment processes often start as early as October the year before," says Marcus Söderlind, chairman of LRF garden.