• School, CTS prescriptions: masks, distance and no fever to enter the classroom


by Tiziana Di Giovannandrea 30 May 2020 Too general indications for the September reopening of schools. It is the position of the National Presidia Association that, in a note, calls for more clarity with "clear ties, reliable resources, freedom of management and sustainable responsibility ''.

The Technical Document drawn up on the hypothesis of re-modulation of the containment measures in the school sector, approved on 26 May 2020 by the Scientific Technical Committee established at the Department of Civil Protection, recalls the PNA, addresses, on the one hand, the Government, hoping for actions of systems that allow the reopening of schools in safety: from the remodulation of the number of hours and time frames to the adaptation of the staff, from the facilities to the services available (transport, canteen etc.). On the other hand, it is addressed to the educational institutions to which the task of `` lowering the indications in the specific context of action '' (order of school, type of users, available structures and infrastructures, organic resources, characteristics) is entrusted in a rather generic way of the territory, etc.) ''.

The PNA, with the national president Antonello Giannelli '' denounces the impossibility, for School Executives, of safely managing the reopening of schools without adequate (and permanent) system interventions being implemented first ''. According to the PNA, "apart from individual critical aspects - the almost inapplicable provisions on distancing in recreational moments, the strong interference with the teaching of meals eaten in the classroom, etc. - it is necessary that the Central Administration urgently resolve some problems problems, made more evident by the stress test caused by the pandemic ". 

In particular, says Giannelli, "a safety protocol must be promptly formulated which precisely outlines the measures to be adopted , in order to limit the evaluation margin of the individual school realities and guarantee the maximum safety of all; the autonomy of the individual schools need to be supported through a conspicuous adjustment of economic resources (appreciable but not sufficient those provided for by article 231 of Legislative Decree 34/2020) and above all human resources, prompt implementation of the provisions of article 232 of the same Legislative Decree 34 in school building as well as a profound remodeling of the time frames; the action of school managers must be de-criticized and streamlined, eliminating any overlap of competence with the collegial bodies in the management of human, economic and instrumental resources ".

In addition, the PNA continues, "the recruitment in September of the Dsga (Director of general and administrative services) winners of the competition must be assured; the criminal liability of employers in accident matters must be reviewed, as we have repeatedly requested, to make it fair and sustainable ".