Lanzhou, May 28 (Xinmei, a high-profile exhibition) On the Loess Plateau in May, the pink and willow trees are green and full of vitality. Bai Shufang, head of Gansu Qingyang Shufang Sachet Embroidery Co., Ltd., is skillfully embroidering the “Peaceful Sachet” in her hand. She said: “These sachets are ready to be donated to Chinese wanderers studying in Belarus, hoping to help them Strengthening immunity will ensure peace and security. "

  In the production workshop, the sewing machine was ringing, Bai Shufang and four or five embroidered ladies sat together to make sachets, and the sachet embroidered products such as purses, pillows, palace lanterns, and zodiac pendants were displayed in the exhibition hall. Different, dizzying.

  "There are Chinese herbs such as Perrin, Huoxiang, and Atractylodes in the sachet, which has the effects of strengthening the spleen and removing dampness, and fragrant and deodorizing. The aroma of the Chinese herbal sachet can excite the nervous system, stimulate the body's immune system, and improve the body's ability to resist disease. "Bai Shufang said.

Bai Shufang is finishing the sachet. Gao Zhanshe

  Bai Shufang, 55, has been interested in embroidery since childhood. When she was young, she looked on the side when her mother and neighbor embroidered the insole together. From the age of 12, she embroidered a small purse herself. At first she followed the old man's example and later designed the graphics herself. After many years of groping and learning, she not only can make all kinds of exquisite sachets, insoles, pillows, but also learned the skills of drawing, dyeing, sewing and so on.

  "In the early years, rural embroidery was mostly used to make insoles, pillows, etc., rarely sold." Bai Shufang said. In 2002, Qingyang City held the first China · Qingyang Sachet Folk Culture and Art Festival. Bai Shufang tried to sell his sachet to the exhibition area.

  "The result is very popular among the public, and foreigners are very interested in sachets. That festival made a total of 800 yuan." Bai Shufang said that since then, she attended the annual festival and the number of sachets sold increased And more and more styles.

  In 2013, she borrowed money to buy embroidery machines and registered Qingyang Shufang Sachet Embroidery Co., Ltd. While making traditional sachets by hand, mass-produce machine embroidery products.

  In order to broaden the market, Bai Shufang actively participated in exhibitions held in various places to promote Qingyang embroidery. In August 2014, with more than 400 products, she participated in the Special Commodities Fair held in Gansu Province in Belarus. During the exhibition, Bai Shufang found that Belarusians were very interested in Qingyang sachets with Chinese cultural elements.

  "It sold 65,000 yuan in a week, including sachets, embroidery, paper-cutting and other products." Bai Shufang said that she felt that there were business opportunities in it, and she was determined to open up overseas markets.

  After returning to Qingyang, Bai Shufang began to prepare materials and went to Belarus to investigate the market and start a company. In November 2014, she officially registered and established Longqing Private Trading Company in Minsk, the capital of Belarus, and took Qingyang sachets out of the country and exported them overseas.

  With the increasing demand for products, Bai Shufang began to teach skills to local left-behind women for free, and purchase them by order. Bai Shufang said that there are currently 7 embroidered ladies in the company, and at the same time, more than 30 women in the surrounding area are engaged in the sachet embroidery industry.

Bai Shufang is operating an embroidery machine. Gao Zhanshe

  Today, Bai Shufang's company has developed into a production, sales and research and development of sachet and embroidery production enterprises, products are exported to Beijing, Xi'an, Tianjin, Chongqing and other places, exported to Russia, Belarus, etc., developed more than 300 kinds of folk cultural products , Obtained more than 20 design and utility model patents.

  For the sachet industry, Bai Shufang, who is over 50 years old, is still full of confidence: "Sachet embroidery is a traditional folk culture industry in Qingyang. I will continue to innovate and research and develop, and at the same time pass on my skills to future generations. Pass on from generation to generation. "(End)