The incident must have occurred in Lillfjärden, and the swan is reportedly still alive.

The police sent a patrol to Lillfjärden, but have so far not been able to find the swan.

"There is some kind of bow or arm brush that has damaged the swan," says Tobias Ahlén, press officer at the police in the Mitt to TT region.

Calling for tips from the public

The police want tips from the public about where the swan is, so that they can help it or at worst kill it.

- If you have tips about the event itself, we are also interested in it. It will be classified as some kind of animal pestilence case if you manage to find the swan, Tobias Ahlén tells TT.

- It is an unpleasant crime, of course. You are not allowed to hunt swans, nor can you hunt with a bow or similar in Sweden. So there are many mistakes that have been committed here, he says.

The police receive tips on the swan on 114 14.