It is windy but the sun is shining when children and parents in Garphyttan get off on a singing walk. The distance to go is only two kilometers long but there will be 15 stops when you stop and sing. Both support and atmosphere are good.

Instead of open preschool

Instead of meeting the promenade, the walk will be closed for more than two months due to the corona pandemic.

- There was a colleague in another congregation who told us about song walks where you hang up toys or other things that the children can sing about on the road, says parish educator Ewa Kummelås who took the idea with him to the activities of the Swedish church in Garphyttan.

Will continue

She has had good help from church musician Frida Enblom who already thinks that the promenades are so popular and so good that they are here to stop.

- We already knew at one time that it was a good and fun activity, so we will probably continue with that, she says. Being outside, moving and singing is a fantastic combination.