The seriously ill elderly woman had personal assistance with 30 hours a day, where six of the hours were double staffed.

She was cared for by relatives, mainly children and grandchildren. But according to the prosecution at Södertörn District Court, much of the care should never have been performed and over SEK 12 million should then have been wrongly paid to those now being prosecuted.

- The evidence is how the suspects' phones were connected, how they used their credit cards and passed into training facilities. We have also had scouting that can show when you were there or not, says Susanne Öhbom, chamber prosecutor.

Police were notified as early as 2012

The prosecution applies to the period 2013 to March 2017, when the police made a strike. However, as early as 2012, the suspected principal was notified by two siblings who stated that the sister was cheating the Social Insurance Agency by getting paid for more hours of assistance than was performed on their mother. One told him that he himself received a wrong salary, money that went to his sister.

The information was taken seriously by the Swedish Tax Agency, which in the spring of 2013 wrote in a report that the fraud could then have been going on for at least ten years and that very large sums were paid. But the lack of resources at the police meant that the search did not start until autumn 2016.

"Such investigations require large police resources and if one does not, it is often no idea to start investigating the case," says Susanne Öhbom, the prosecutor who has led the investigation since 2016.

How do you see it took so long?

- It is regrettable.

Could not stop payments

The Social Insurance Office could not stop the payments because the woman had a great need for care and there was no evidence.

- We think it is desirable if you can get your cases examined as soon as possible. At the same time, we have the respect that all authorities have their challenges, ”says Peter Fausö, Head of Unit Insurance.

All suspects refuse a crime. The suspected principal says in interrogation that the time reports have been wrong due to carelessness.