Coughing is a defense mechanism for getting rid of foreign bodies in the respiratory system, and in some cases it indicates more complex phenomena such as infections or other diseases. Here comes important information about coughing.

A report by the Italian journal Fevre Piusani stated that coughing is one of the most important symptoms that can occur in all mammals, including humans. In this context, statistics indicate that 23% of people develop coughing attacks - which are dry or with phlegm - when they wake up in the morning, whether they smoke or not.

In addition, adults develop colds two or three times a year, accompanied by coughing attacks in 75% of cases, and 13% of people suffer from chronic coughing attacks without having a cold.

Why do we do?

Coughing is a defensive reaction to flushing out foreign bodies that obstruct the respiratory tract in order to clean them up, and coughing is usually associated with other symptoms of a disease. It can also be considered a sudden and sharp process that occurs in stages, which is the inhale and then exhale, as the muscles of the respiratory system contract, and then the air exits from the lungs with a force that opens to the throat suddenly, which produces a sharp and loud voice.

The magazine stated that there are several types of cough, and it can be divided into two categories in terms of sputum production:

1- A productive cough known as a fatty cough that is accompanied by sputum or mucus.

2- Unproductive cough, which is a dry cough without sputum, and it can cause itching and irritation of the sore throat.

Cough is classified as acute or chronic according to the period of contact, and cough is considered acute when it does not exceed three weeks, in contrast the cough is chronic when it extends to three or four weeks, and it is usually accompanied by irritation of the bronchial or larynx.

It is worth noting that there are other types of coughing, including those caused by whooping cough which is highly contagious and dangerous for children under six months of age, and a psychological cough that usually appears when a person is very tense.

The main causes of coughing

Cough is a common symptom associated with many causes and is not considered a serious problem in most cases. It is a temporary condition. However, it indicates the seriousness of the situation when it is severe or accompanied by other symptoms, as a result of which it is recommended to visit the doctor. Among the causes of coughing:

1- Environmental Effects

Regular coughing episodes occur in the event of inhalation of dust or smoke, but if these episodes last long, it is possible that they indicate a chronic or seasonal allergy, and coughing episodes may occur in cases of temperature changes.

2- Inflammatory reactions

Airway inflammation that obstructs the passage of air can cause coughing or pain, often in a person with colds or more serious diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, lung cancer and other respiratory diseases, among others.

3- Some other diseases

Nose and ear canal disturbances can cause coughing, as well as gastroesophageal reflux disease. If coughs increase in severity, this could be a sign of congestive heart failure.

4- Medicines

Humans may also develop coughing attacks due to the effect of certain medications, such as ACE inhibitors, which are frequently used in the treatment of high blood pressure.

5- Smoking

Chronic cough is common among smokers, as this type is dangerous and disturbing. Therefore, it is best to perform periodic medical exams if it continues to occur.

6- Psychological factors

Coughing attacks also occur due to psychological factors such as anxiety or stress.

In conclusion, it should be emphasized that coughing is always a symptom that should not be ignored, and a doctor must be visited to find out its causes and treat them.