Aiman ​​Nauman is twelve years old and has been fasting for 30 days.

- It's been pretty good and I've gone to school. It's an important month for me, so you can feel how poor it is to not be able to eat, ”she says.

She has eaten in the evenings and early mornings and now it is soon time to end the Ramadan, the holy fasting month which ends with Eid al-Fitr or Bayram.

- The best thing is when you can eat food during the day and have the party at the end and then you get all the presents for having worked for a whole month, she says.

Can't celebrate with the family

But nothing is as usual in corona times and the party that ends the Ramadan will not be as big this year. Due to the corona center, Aiman ​​Nauman will also not be able to celebrate with his family living in Denmark.

- It's kind of like Christmas Eve for Muslims. So it's a bit of a shame, says Aiman.

No common prayer

Ramadan also ends with a prayer inside or outside the mosque. But this year will be different.

"This is the first time Muslims are not making an eid prayer outside or together because of the corona virus and it is a historical event," says Nabil Abdulmajid, who sits on the board of the Islamic Association in Malmö.

Instead, many mosques and Islamic knowledge centers have had digital platforms for advice and support during the Ramadan.

For Aiman ​​Nauman and her family, it will be a lesser celebration than usual.

- We will be home and maybe barbecue but it is not as fun as when we are with the whole family. Then we usually eat a big joint dinner and then go to an amusement park, Aiman ​​says.