President Trump inspects mask-requiring factory Did you mask this time? May 22, 12:09

As the number of people infected with the new coronavirus increases in the United States, President Trump visited a factory that manufactures ventilators in the Midwestern state of Michigan. The factory was obliged to wear a mask, and the president's response, which is said to dislike masks, was noted, but he did not wear it in front of the press.

On the 21st, President Trump visited a factory in Michigan, where a major automobile manufacturer Ford began manufacturing ventilators last month to respond to the spread of the infection.

Although masks are usually required to be worn at the factory, President Trump, who visited the factory, showed himself in front of the press without a mask.

Meanwhile, the Ford officials who guided the president all wore masks.

About this, President Trump said, "I wore it in the area that Ford told me to wear. I just don't want to show the mask to the media and be happy."

Then, with the mask I brought in, I wondered, "I'd look better wearing a mask," but in the end, I didn't show the mask.

President Trump has a policy of urgently resuming economic activity, saying that the spread of the infection has been suppressed, and he may not want to show voters that he is wary of the infection.