On May 22, after the opening meeting of the Third Session of the 13th National People's Congress, the first "minister channel" interview event was held, and some heads of relevant ministries and commissions who attended the meeting were interviewed via online video.

  CCTV reporter of the Central Radio and TV Station: This year is the year of decisive battle to overcome poverty, and industrial poverty alleviation is also a very important support for stable poverty alleviation. But we know that cultivating industries is not overnight, so I would like to ask you how to ensure that our poverty alleviation industry can develop steadily and lastingly? Thank you.

  Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Han Changfu: Thank you for your question. Everyone knows that Xi Jinping proposed the “five batches” of poverty alleviation in 2015, the first of which is to develop a batch by supporting production and employment. In recent years, due to the attention of the central government and the joint efforts of various departments and localities, poverty-stricken areas have developed a large number of poverty-relief industries. It can be said that industrial poverty alleviation has become the most widespread measure to drive the poorest people. According to statistics, 832 poor counties in the country basically have leading industries, and poor villages with conditions have established characteristic industrial bases. There are now more than 100,000 such industrial bases in the country. Among the people out of poverty, about two-thirds get out of poverty by going out to work and develop industries to increase their income.

  Han Changfu: Of course, we are also very concerned about your question. We have also noticed that the overall level of industry in poor areas is not high, especially the connection between production and marketing is not so smooth, and the foundation for poverty alleviation is not yet very solid. This year is the year of a decisive battle against poverty. The industry must continue to contribute to poverty alleviation, and after poverty alleviation, the development of industries in poor areas cannot be interrupted.

  Han Changfu: In terms of work, there are roughly the following points: First, improve quality. To play the role of the industrial technology expert group, we have more than 4,100 such expert groups across the country to help poor areas improve industrial development planning, play the role of modern agricultural industrial parks, drive the development of the entire agricultural industry chain, and form a "one village, one product" and "one "One county and one industry" has really raised the development level of the entire industry.

  Han Changfu: Second, focus on production and marketing. The current situation is that there is nothing that cannot be planted, only what cannot be sold. To allow agricultural products in poverty-stricken areas to really leave the village and enter the city, not only sell it, but also sell it at a good price. This is the next step we have to solve. It is necessary to further lengthen the industrial chain and connect the wholesale market, e-commerce platform, leading enterprises, etc. to poor areas. We must also focus on poverty alleviation through consumption. I call on all sectors of society to buy more agricultural products in poor areas, and love consumption to bring poverty.

  Han Changfu: Third, promote convergence. It is necessary to link the development of poverty alleviation industries with the revitalization of rural industries so that the poverty alleviation industries can continue to work for a long time.

  Han Changfu: Fourth, bring farmers. In the final analysis, the development of poverty alleviation industry is to promote farmers and drive poverty alleviation and prosperity. It is necessary to play the role of leading enterprises and cooperatives to connect these entities with farmers and enable farmers to enter the industrial chain. Through industrial development, it is imperative for impoverished rural households to increase their income, not only in the current income, but also in the long-term; they can not only get rid of poverty, but also get rich. Thank you.

  (Organized according to the webcast text)