Dr.. Osama Abu Al-Rub

Swelling or swelling is a condition that can occur in any organ of the body, and it may have minor or severe causes. Here we will talk about swelling in general, and swelling of the face and mouth in particular.

Initially, swelling or swelling occurs when organs, skin or other parts of the body swell, usually as a result of inflammation or build-up of fluid.

It can cause a group of conditions to swell, and often lead to insect bites, diseases or injuries to external swelling, while internal swelling is often one of the side effects of a drug or as a result of a serious injury.

A person should go directly to a doctor or hospital or call for ambulance if he develops swelling that cannot be explained inexplicably, especially if he is with pain.

If the swelling is caused by an injury, sting, or disease, a person may experience a wide range of symptoms, such as:

1- Itching

2- Vomiting

3- Pain in the affected area

If the swelling is not visible or if it is internal, other symptoms may occur, such as:

1- Nausea

2- Vomiting

3- Dizziness

4- Fever

5- Fatigue

6- Thinner

7- Flu-like symptoms

8- Pain

The most common causes of external swelling include:

1- Insect bites

2- Exposure to trauma or injury

3- Fluid retention

4- Pregnancy

5- Menstruation

6- Hormonal changes

7- Infection

External swelling can be local or widespread. In local swelling, only one area swells. For example, a person with an eye infection may experience swelling around the eye only, or a person with an inflammation of the tooth may have swelling in the right lower jaw. A person with an insect may also experience swelling only in the sting area.

Swelling spread over a large area of ​​the body may be a sign of a serious disease, such as fluid retention or an allergic reaction.

Other common causes of widespread swelling include:

1- Kidney failure

2- Cardiac arrest

3- Anaphylaxis: It is a condition of hypersensitivity that leads to a severe response from the immune system that results in a threat to the life of the person. Usually, this condition occurs in food allergies, insect bites sensitivity and drug sensitivity, as may also occur with other types of allergies.

4- Exposure to a poisonous insect bite

The doctor performs a variety of tests to diagnose swelling and its cause, and then to determine the appropriate treatment. If the puff is caused by pus, you may need surgery to open it, clean it and remove the pus, and your doctor may prescribe a medicine to reduce inflammation or swelling, or an antibiotic.

Facial swelling

According to the German Federal Center for Health Education, facial swelling has many causes, most notably an unhealthy lifestyle along with pathogens.

The German Center explained that the unhealthy lifestyle is drinking alcohol, lack of exercise, excessive eating of salt and spicy foods, and taste gains such as glutamate.

Facial swelling may also be due to excessive sun exposure.

On the other hand, facial swelling may be due to a pathogen, such as allergies to pollen, animal dander, dust, lactose intolerance (milk sugar), hypothyroidism, autoimmune hepatitis or preeclampsia.

Consult the doctor to determine the true cause of facial swelling and to undergo treatment in a timely manner.

Generally, if there is no pathogen to swelling of the face, it can be faced through a lot of drinking fluids to get rid of trapped fluids, facial massage to stimulate blood flow to drain trapped fluids, and wash the face with very cold water.

Oral swelling and dental pain

According to Professor Dietmar Ostraich, Vice President of the German Chamber of Dentists, a doctor should be consulted in the event of swelling of the mouth or face, especially if it is accompanied by pain in the teeth or frequent gingival bleeding.

Among the problems that may lead to swelling of the mouth, periodontitis, gingivitis and nerve inflammation.

In periodontitis, bacteria multiply in the tooth shrine, causing inflammation, and paving the way for long-term osteoporosis.

To prevent mouth swelling associated with dental problems, good oral and dental health care must be taken care of, by brushing the toothpaste and putty twice a day with dental floss at a rate of once a day to clean the spaces between the teeth.

It is also important to follow a healthy, balanced, low-sugar diet, taking into account regular check-ups at the dentist twice a year.