China News Service, May 21, according to the Ministry of Education website, recently, the Ministry of Education issued the "Guide to the Construction of Future Technical Colleges (Trial)" (hereinafter referred to as "Guide"). "Guide" proposes to build a group of future technical colleges in some universities with comprehensive professional disciplines and strong overall strength in about 4 years. On this basis, strive for about 10 years to forge a group of high-level teacher teams that have an important impact on the frontier cross-cutting and future technology fields, build a number of science and education resource platforms and digital resources that are suitable for future technological research, and cultivate a group of The cutting-edge cross-scientific and future technology fields may have original achievements that may have a significant impact, forming a group of representative examples of institutional mechanisms, and creating teaching and research highlands that can lead the future development of science and technology and effectively train composite and innovative talents.

Ministry of Education. (Information) Reporter Fu Yu from China News Network

  The construction of the future technical college adheres to Chinese characteristics, adheres to the future, adheres to cross integration, adheres to the combination of science and education, adheres to the student center, adheres to open innovation, and strives to do a good job in the prospective and strategic training of future leaders in scientific and technological innovation, focusing on the following seven aspects Construction tasks:

  The first is to condense the future technical characteristics. In the basic and key areas facing future economic and social development, the traditional knowledge system divided by disciplines should be broken, and the unique and advantageous future technical characteristics based on the intersection of professions should be condensed.

  The second is to innovate the talent training model, explore the formation of a new technology-oriented technology-oriented talent training model, build a future-oriented technology curriculum system, textbook system, training mechanism, evaluation mechanism, explore new technologies, new tools, new In-depth application of standards in teaching.

  The third is to reform the teaching organization form, encourage colleges and universities to break through the traditional teaching organization form and time and space restrictions, boldly reform the teaching organization form, and create an innovative atmosphere and educational environment conducive to various disruptive and breakthrough results. Taking the innovation of organizational model as the starting point, it will lead the entire chain and deep-level reform of engineering education in terms of concept, paradigm, standard, path, technology, method and evaluation.

  The fourth is to build a high-level teaching team, adapt to the characteristics of future technical talent training, promote the master to lead, and build a high-level teaching team that meets the needs of training future technical leaders.

  Fifth, deepen international cooperation, deepen strategic cooperation and mutual learning with the world's top universities, attract international academic masters to participate in student training, attract high-level foreign undergraduates, and provide talent guarantee for building a community of human destiny and meeting human future challenges.

  Sixth, gather resources from all parties, gather resources from scientific research institutes, enterprises, investment institutions and other parties to provide all-round and strong support for future technology development and future technology innovation leading talent cultivation.

  The seventh is to optimize the management mechanism, fully implement the concepts of student center, output-oriented, and continuous improvement, build relevant mechanisms for operation, management, evaluation, quality assurance, etc. that are compatible with the construction goals of the future technical college, and promote the continuous improvement of the construction of the new engineering college in the future .

  The Ministry of Education will plan the construction of the future technical colleges according to the national economic and social development needs. Qualified universities apply to the Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Education organizes experts to conduct demonstrations, focusing on investigating talent training models, building foundations, policy support, and guarantee conditions, and cultivating and building according to the principle of "mature one, start one".