
Five years ago, the Supreme Court was found guilty, and controversy reignited over the case of former prime minister Han Myung-sook's illegal political funding. The Democratic Party even said that it could be the subject of an investigation by the airborne authorities, but in the legal world, the response is whether they want to undermine the rule of law.

Reporter Park Ha-jung.


Following the prime minister of the Democratic Party, Kim Tae-nyeon, who first mentioned the necessity to re-examine the case, saying, "President Han Myung-sook is the victim of the prosecution's coercion investigation and the judiciary corps." Said it could be subject to investigation.

Even lawyer Kim Yong-min also insisted that the prosecutors' office or special prosecutor should investigate because the prosecution is unlikely to investigate properly.

The key point of Mr. Manho's memorandum, which the Democratic Party considers as the basis for the re-examination, is that the prosecution made false statements at the prosecution at the prosecution's meeting and coercion, and at the suggestion of a legal broker.

Han Shin Kun-young, the representative of the prosecution, said he had delivered money to a former prime minister during the prosecution investigation, but turned the statement when the first trial began.

However, the court trusted the statement made by Han at the prosecution, saying, "The company's employees and some creditors knew that the money was being delivered, and if they denied it, they would be the only bad guys."

In addition, two years in prison were imposed on the former prime minister based on the legal statements of the company's accounting manager and the fact that the 100 million won check handed by Han was delivered to a former prime minister's brother.

It is the dominant view of the legal profession that reexamination is difficult, as there is no additional evidence that the memorandum is not new evidence and the evidence has been forged.

So, the Governor's Governor seems to mean putting pressure on the prosecution's prosecution at the same time as putting pressure on the prosecution that prosecutors can investigate the investigative team's prosecutors at the time rather than retrial.