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Today (20th), the article “The Secret of the“ Silver Law ”was written in the North Korean propaganda media, the Labor Newspaper. In North Korea, the propaganda song "The General Uses Jiji-jik Act" that two people use the Jiji-jik Act has been widely broadcast since 1996. However, the article denied this fact, saying, "In fact, there is a person who disappears, disappears, and then reappears and cannot fold the ground." It's been 24 years since the first "Song of the Jiaxing Act" came out. Some analysts say that it seems that North Koreans are trying to escape from the way of governing the deification of the past, as the route for acquiring citizens has widened, including over 6 million mobile phones. It is noteworthy when North Korea, after 24 years of deterrence of the 'Shock Act', will put down the dictatorship's ambition. Social media video mugs deliver.