The new coronavirus mainly affects the lungs. For some smokers whose lungs are "scarred", the disease is more dangerous. On May 18, Zhang Shuwan, an expert in the health education center directly under the Shenyang City Health and Health Center, said that once smokers suffer from new coronary pneumonia, the risk of developing serious illness and death is higher. The public should try not to smoke during the new crown epidemic. Don't gather to smoke or hand each other.

 Smoking damages lung function

  Zhang Shuwan introduced that smoking is a known risk factor for many respiratory infections and will increase the severity of respiratory diseases. New coronavirus diseases mainly affect the lungs. Smoking causes damage to lung function, making it more difficult for the body to resist coronavirus and other diseases.

  Smoking increases the rate of lung function decline. Toxic gases and particulates produced by tobacco cause lung inflammation and oxidative stress. Over time, as the degree of smoking increases, it can lead to lung tissue damage and small airway fibrosis, and increased respiratory resistance. Make the individual appear irreversible airflow limitation and various respiratory symptoms. Cough, sputum and difficulty breathing.

  Tobacco harm is one of the most serious public health problems in the world. Zhang Shuwan introduced that there are many known carcinogens in tobacco smoke, which can cause damage to almost all organs of the human body. Smoking is the main risk factor for non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic respiratory disease and diabetes.

It also makes sense for the elderly to quit smoking

  Many people think that smoking is very long, and getting older makes it meaningless to quit smoking. Do elderly people really need to quit smoking?

  Zhang Shuwan introduced that the susceptible population of the new coronavirus is the elderly with basic diseases, and the mortality rate is high. Therefore, no matter the elderly or young people, and no matter how long they smoke, as long as they can successfully quit smoking, it will be beneficial to the body and the body's function will be improved.

  It is never too late to quit smoking. Quitting smoking at the age of 60, 50, 40, or 30 can earn a life expectancy of 3, 6, 9 or 10 years, respectively. For elderly smokers, quitting smoking can reduce many risks such as ischemic heart disease, cancer, and respiratory diseases, and will greatly improve the quality of life of the elderly.

  It is not safe to smoke electronic cigarettes

  The "harmless and non-toxic" promoted by e-cigarette advertising, coupled with its fashionable and cool shape, and a variety of attractive fragrances, many people are now actively trying e-cigarettes. Harm "?

  Zhang Shuwan introduced that the aerosols produced by e-cigarettes contain many toxic and harmful substances. When the aerosol concentration reaches a high enough level, it will have varying degrees of stimulation on the respiratory tract and can trigger inflammatory reactions, which can induce pharyngitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia And other diseases, it poses a threat to health, especially for asthma patients and other people with respiratory diseases.

  The main component of the electronic nicotine delivery system is nicotine, and long-term large-dose inhalation of nicotine can promote tumor formation. Children and adolescents are more sensitive to nicotine than adults, and nicotine easily affects their brain function, which reduces their learning ability and impulse control ability. In addition, the concentration of nicotine contained in many e-cigarette products is vague, which is easy to cause users to overdose. At the same time, e-cigarette appliances also have safety risks such as battery explosion, smoke liquid penetration, and high temperature burns.

During the epidemic, how should smokers protect themselves?

  Zhang Shuwan said, first of all, try to minimize going out. Secondly, do not take off the mask when going out, and do not smoke. Again, do not gather smoking, do not hand over the smoke, wash your hands before smoking. During the epidemic prevention and control, taking off the mask and smoking in a closed place will increase the risk of infection. To really be healthy, only quitting smoking and staying away from second-hand smoke are the positive solutions.

  Shen Zhiwen, Shen Zhiwen, media reporter Shang Zhiwen