Corona pandemic has also left its mark in Hallandstrafiken's investment in a new payment and ticket system. The new vending machines that will be located at stations are fixed in northern Italy.

- They are ready at a factory, but we cannot reach them. But we keep the old ones until the new ones are in place, says Andreas Almquist.

He believes that the old system, which has 15 years on its neck, has passed its best-before date. Although it costs some to acquire a new system, there will be no increased operating costs.

- The old system is expensive to keep up and there are difficulties in getting spare parts, says Andreas Almquist.

The suitcase disappears

One of the major changes is that the system of charging travel cash on a travel card disappears and cannot be used after 14 June.

- If you have money left to travel for, there is of course the opportunity to transfer that value into the new system, says Andreas Almquist.

In the clip above, he tells about major changes and what it means for travelers.