China News Service, May 16 According to the Central Meteorological Observatory website, from the night of the 16th to the 18th, there will be strong rainfall in Jiangnan, South China and Guizhou, and some areas will be accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms, strong winds or hail, etc. Strong convective weather. The Central Meteorological Observatory issued a rainstorm blue warning and a strong convective blue warning at 18:00 on May 16.

Heavy rains occurred in Jiangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi and other places

  Today during the day, parts of northwest and east Guangxi, central and southwestern Hunan, central Jiangxi and other parts of the country have scattered heavy rainstorms, and local heavy rainstorms in Guilin, Guangxi (102-213 mm, maximum hourly rainfall of 60-114 mm), above Locally accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunderstorms, strong winds, or hail; in addition, floating dust or dusty weather occurs in central and northern Ningxia, northern Shaanxi, central and northern Shanxi, central and western Inner Mongolia, and northwestern Hebei. 7-9 Local gusts in central Inner Mongolia and other local gusts have reached level 10.

South China and other places have strong rainfall and strong convective weather

  From the night of the 16th to the 18th, Jiangnan, South China, and Guizhou will experience strong rainfall, and some areas will be accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms, strong winds, or hail. Among them, there were heavy rains in parts of western and northern China, eastern Jiangxi, western Fujian, southeastern Yunnan, southeastern Guizhou, eastern Inner Mongolia, western Jilin, and eastern Liaoning from 20:00 to 20:00 on May 16. Among them, there are heavy rainstorms (100-150 mm) in parts of southeastern Guangxi, eastern Taiwan Island, and eastern Inner Mongolia; western Jilin, northern and eastern Shandong, northern Jiangsu, southern Fujian, southeastern Yunnan, western and eastern Guangxi, Thunderstorms and strong winds or hail will occur in parts of northern and eastern Guangdong; parts of central and western Jilin, eastern Liaoning, eastern Shandong, southeastern Zhejiang, Fujian, eastern Yunnan, Guangxi and Guangdong will have short-term heavy precipitation, The hourly rainfall is 20-60 mm, and the local rainfall can reach more than 80 mm. The Central Meteorological Observatory issued a rainstorm blue warning and a strong convective blue warning at 18:00 on May 16.

Forecast maps of the heavy rain areas in the country (20:00 on May 16 to 20:20 on the 16th)

Part of the Yellow Sea has heavy fog

  From the night of May 16th to the morning of 17th, most areas of Jiangsu, central and southern Anhui, eastern Hubei, northern Hunan, southern Sichuan Basin and other parts of the country have heavy fog. Among them, central and southern Jiangsu, southern Anhui, eastern Hubei, and northern Hunan In some parts of the southwestern Sichuan Basin and other regions, there are dense fogs with a visibility of less than 500 meters, and locally there are strong dense fogs with a visibility of less than 200 meters and extremely dense fogs with a visibility of less than 50 meters. In addition, from the night of the 16th to the day of the 17th, most of the Yellow Sea, the north of the East China Sea, the coastal waters of Zhejiang, and the waters near the Yangtze River estuary will have heavy fog with visibility less than 1 km. The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue heavy yellow warnings at 18:00 on May 16.

Windy weather in the north

  From the night of the 16th to the 18th, how windy the northern region is. Affected by the strong winds of cold air, it is estimated that from 20:00 on the 16th to 20:00 on the 17th, central and western Inner Mongolia, central and northern Ningxia, eastern Gansu, northern Shaanxi, most of Shanxi, northwest of Hebei, northwest of Beijing and the Xinjiang Xinjiang Basin and other places Some areas have dusty or dusty weather. The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to release sand and dust weather forecast at 18:00 on May 16.

Specific forecasts for the next three days

  From May 20th to May 20th, there are moderate to heavy rains in parts of eastern Inner Mongolia, central and southern Northeast China, southern and eastern Jiangnan, southern Southwest, and most of South China. Among them, eastern Inner Mongolia, western Jilin, There are heavy rains or heavy rains (100-150 mm) in parts of southern Jiangxi, southeastern Yunnan, eastern and southern Guangxi, and central Guangdong. There are 4-6 winds in parts of North China, East Northwest China, and West Huanghuai.

The national precipitation forecast map (May 20th -20th -17th)

  From May 20th to May 18th 20th, parts of northeastern Inner Mongolia, central and southern Northeast China, eastern Huanghuai, southern Jiangnan, eastern Yunnan, and most of southern China experienced moderate to heavy rains. There are heavy rains or heavy rains (100-130 mm) in parts of southern China, southern Fujian, eastern Guangxi, and central and southern Guangdong. There are 4 to 6 winds in parts of central Tibet, northern southern Xinjiang, western Gansu, central and southern North China, and northern Hunan. The Bohai Strait, the northern Yellow Sea and the central waters will have strong winds of magnitude 7-8 and gusts 9-10, of which the winds in the northern part of the Yellow Sea can reach magnitude 9 and gusts 10-11.

National precipitation forecast map (20:00 on May 17 to 20:00 on May 17)

  There are moderate to heavy rains in parts of the Yili River Valley, southeastern Tibet, southeastern Tibet, southeastern Fujian, southeastern Fujian, southern China, and Taiwan Island from 8:00 on May 18 to 9:00 on May 19. There are heavy rains (50-88 mm) in parts of other places. There are 4 to 6 winds in parts of central and eastern Tibet, central northern Xinjiang, central and southern northeastern regions, northern China, eastern Huanghuai, and southern Jiangsu. There will be northwest winds of magnitude 7-8 and gusts 9-10 in the northern waters of the Yellow Sea.

National precipitation forecast map (20:20 on May 18-19: 20 on the 19th)

Influence and attention

  1.17-18th, strong rainy weather in Jiangnan, South China, Northeast China, Huanghuai and other places to prevent local and strong convective weather may cause urban and rural waterlogging and torrential geological disasters;

  2. Foggy weather in the eastern sea area and Jiangsu, Anhui, Hunan and other places;

  3. Sand and dust weather and adverse effects in the central and western parts of Inner Mongolia, the northeast of the northwest, the north and the west of North China, etc .;

  4. From the night of the 17th to the 22nd, the relatively strong rainy weather in Xinjiang's Yili River Valley and other places to prevent local floods and geological disasters.