Hong Kong government report "necessary force response to violence" criticized by citizens 23:33 May 15

The Hong Kong government criticized the police's response to protests since June last year as too violent, saying, "Peaceful demonstrations have turned into violent acts and need to respond by force." I published a research report that there was no problem. On the other hand, the citizens are calling for investigation by an agency independent of the government once again, saying that the content is insufficient.

The government of Hong Kong has been inspected by the criticism that police's response was "too violent" such as repeated use of teardrops for citizens' protests against the government since June last year. I conducted a survey in and announced the results on the 15th.

Among them, "Peaceful demonstrations eventually turn into violence in towns and face a situation like terrorism using weapons. Police need to use force to respond to such violence." There is no problem with the police response.

However, he pointed out that there is a point to be improved in the future, such as the need for an organization to monitor the usage of teardrops, smooth communication with the media, and efforts to explain to the public.

On the other hand, a democratic newspaper blamed "it was insufficient to protect the police," and the citizens also criticized that "the existing inspecting agency has a limit in pursuing the problems of the police." The demand for the establishment of an independent investigative commission from the government, which has become one of the demands of citizens in protests, has once again increased.

Hong Kong Secretary-General is not allowed to establish an independent investigation commission

"It was a great report. We will consider what was pointed out within the government," said Hong Kong Government Secretary General Zheng Yue Lin.

On the other hand, the police demanded that police not be allowed to use violence to outgrow their demands, and that police only work responsibly. I emphasized again that the establishment of an "independent investigation committee" to investigate the response to is not allowed.