Will online education “retire after success” after resuming classes?

  An unprecedented and unprecedented large-scale online education experiment was suddenly pushed to the foreground, but it played a role at an unexpected growth rate.

  Since the online teaching of "Suspend without Stopping" was launched in February, as of May 11, the number of views on the national cloud network platform for elementary and middle schools reached 2.073 billion, and the number of visits reached 1.711 billion. In one fell swoop, it entered the top ten of the national satellite TV.

  At present, nearly 40% of students have resumed classes offline. With the increase in the number of students returning to classes and the increasing pace, can online education succeed and retreat? the answer is negative. Wu Yan, director of the Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education, said at a news conference held by the Ministry of Education on May 14 that in the future, online education will be organically connected with offline education, moving from freshness to a new normal.

  Online education brings "four major changes"

  Yu Xinjie, the leader of the online teaching guidance expert group of Tsinghua University, will teach the course principles of circuit theory to freshman students this semester. This is a 4-credit core course in electrical majors, which is not difficult. In order to take classes with higher quality, they carried out a new instructional design in a way of "crushing", "moving" and "subtracting", splitting the original 45-minute course into 20-minute segments, and allowing students to do a question every 15 minutes They submitted questions. Under this design, during the mid-term exams, the students' grades did not decrease due to online courses, but remained the same as previous ones, or even improved.

  Wu Yan concluded that in the practice of colleges and universities in carrying out online education and teaching in response to the crisis, four new changes have emerged: First, the "teaching" of teachers has been changed. "Teachers were a little nervous at the beginning, and even had some complaints, and slowly became excited and calm. Teachers' teaching information literacy has been improved unprecedentedly, and many teachers are very proud of becoming 'net red'." Wu Yan said.

  The second is to change the students' "learning". "According to the massive survey data, it shows that everyone's satisfaction with students' autonomy in learning and teacher-student interaction is even higher than that of face-to-face traditional classroom teaching." Wu Yan introduced.

  The third is to change the "management" of the school. "In the past, the school's teaching management was more face-to-face, and now it's back-to-back management. Fortunately, schools rely on big data to get more accurate and effective management results." Wu Yan said.

  The fourth is to change the form of education. "This time online teaching not only broke the physical wall, but also broke the psychological wall to a certain extent, forming a new educational form that can be learned from time to time, everywhere, and for everyone." Wu Yan said.

  The same is true of online teaching practices in primary and secondary schools. Lu Yugang, director of the Department of Basic Education, said that primary and secondary schools in various regions have fully followed the characteristics of online learning. Through smooth communication platforms, high-quality digital resources, convenient learning tools, suitable teaching duration, and flexibility Teaching organization, etc., to prevent copying and applying the normal classroom teaching methods, and strive to overcome the insufficiency of the lack of interaction between the teachers and students in the aerial teaching, and achieved good results. "This large-scale online education experiment is of revolutionary significance for the use of information technology to promote the reform of education and teaching methods. It can test the superiority and feasibility of online education to the greatest extent, and the results and experience are very precious." Lu Yugang said.

  From "learning revolution" to "quality revolution"

  The accuracy of online teaching for teaching management excites teachers, and the smooth interaction between teachers and students, and the autonomy of students' learning all magnify the learning effect. From "learning revolution" to "quality revolution", an organic connection between online and offline, helping each other to run, is being carried out among teachers and students at all stages.

  Wu Yan said that after the epidemic, there will be three major changes in the teaching model.

  One is to change from "freshness" to "new normal". "We can no longer and should not return to the state of teaching and learning before the outbreak, because online teaching that incorporates' Internet + 'smart +' technology has become an important development direction for Chinese higher education and world higher education. "Wu Yan said.

  The second is the transition from "mono" to "dual channel". "Although online teaching has opened the physical distance between teachers and students, it has also shortened the psychological distance between teachers and students; without the face-to-face of traditional classrooms, it has increased the point-to-point communication between teachers and students. These changes have effectively solved the higher education in China. The boss's difficult problem is the transition from full-fledged 'mono' to interactive 'dual-channel'. "Wu Yan was deeply touched.

  The third is to change from "teacher center" to "student center". "Online teaching encourages teachers to strengthen the design of classrooms and make the learning content into teaching resources that are conducive to students 'independent learning. From the past, focusing on teachers'" what I taught "to paying more attention to students" what I learned ", guiding students to explore and Personalized learning has shifted from pure knowledge transfer to comprehensive training of knowledge, ability and quality. "Wu Yan said.

  In terms of basic education, Lu Yugang said that he will conscientiously sum up the valuable experience of online education, analyze and study the outstanding problems, and guide localities to continue to do a good job in the online learning during the epidemic and the connection with the classroom learning after the school starts. "At the same time, we must consolidate and deepen the achievements of online education and teaching, further improve the online education and teaching resource guarantee system and operating mechanism; further promote the integration and application of information technology in education and teaching, promote the reform of teaching models, and serve students' independent learning, Serve teachers to improve classroom teaching, serve to comprehensively improve the quality of basic education, and accelerate the modernization of basic education. "

  After the resumption of class, we must prevent "rushing time" and "hurrying up"

  After the extra long vacation, it is a very tense resumption phase for many students, especially the graduates. Lu Yugang said that primary and middle school students have weak self-discipline ability and the effect of home study is also different. Therefore, there are five points that need special attention in connection with teaching.

  "First, it is necessary to do psychological counseling. It is very important to fully understand the mental and psychological state of each student, so that each student can invest in the post-school learning in a good state of mind. Second, after going back to school The first lesson. According to the deployment of the Ministry of Education, with the theme of popularizing anti-epidemic knowledge and promoting the spirit of anti-epidemic, focus on the education of the first lesson of resumption of school to improve the comprehensive quality of students. "Lu Yugang said," Third, we must be careful and precise Analyze the academic situation. Primary and secondary schools in various regions should thoroughly understand and diagnose the students ’home study during the extended school period, and accurately grasp the specific learning situation of each student, including how well the knowledge is mastered. Fourth, formulate the teaching plan scientifically and reasonably. Achieve a smooth transition. We must resolutely prevent unrealistic practices such as time-rushing, progress, and overcapacity, so as not to cause excessive psychological burden and learning pressure on students. For the previous stage, there is no online teaching of new courses. We must adhere to the implementation of zero-point teaching. Fifth, we must pay more attention to caring for special student groups, and effectively do the children and follow-up of frontline epidemic prevention personnel. Children, rural children left behind and learning difficulties students to guide the work of helping and caring, to make full use of the time after-school services, strengthen individual counseling, can not let a student left behind. "

  And when the training institutions resume school, many parents are concerned. Many senior high school repeaters and art candidates are studying in training institutions, and many of them are unable to enroll. At the press conference, Lu Yugang also responded. He said that the Ministry of Education issued a notice in April that requires all localities to give priority to starting repetition students and art candidates who take the college entrance examination when they start classes outside the school. Learning, for such training institutions, classes can be given priority, and in accordance with the standards for prevention and control of primary and secondary schools, the training institutions should apply for and sign safety commitments, and the classes can only be started after they have passed the acceptance check by the local education department together with the epidemic prevention and control department.

  "As of May 13, 21 provinces across the country have started the opening of classes for the college entrance examination repeaters training institutions, and 7 provinces are also actively conducting scientific research and judgments in conjunction with the epidemic prevention and control situation. We will make further preparations. Guiding all localities to do a good job in this regard. "Lv Yugang said at the end.

  (Reporter, Beijing, May 14th, reporter Yao Xiaodan)