Screen capture of images of the fire. - Handout / Vigili del Fuoco / AFP

A column of black smoke rises on the industrial outskirts of Venice. The municipality launched this Friday an alert to the inhabitants of the city and its immediate surroundings after the fire which developed in the morning in a chemical factory of the port of Marghera.

" We are worried. According to our information, two people were injured, "said the president of the Veneto region, Luca Zaia.

⚠ #Incendi #Malcontenta ⚠

AGGIORNAMENTO - Nota @vvfveneto

"Esplosione e incendio in un'azienda chimica a #Marghera: intervento di 8 squadre a terra dei Vigili del fuoco e il nucleo nbcr. Scattato Piano d'emergenza esterno pererno sostanze chimiche "

- Comune di Venezia (@comunevenezia) May 15, 2020

Wet towels to protect yourself

While the people of Venice have been invited to stay at home, the people of the municipality of Marghera must on the other hand not only stay at home but also apply wet towels around closed windows. The tall column of black smoke rising from the 3V Sigma factory was visible for miles around and many firefighters were on the job.

… /… More information to come

  • Explosion
  • Fire
  • Venice
  • World
  • Italy