Prime Minister Abe “September admission is one of the leading options” May 14, 20:26

At the press conference, Prime Minister Abe stated at the press conference that he would change the school entrance period in September, saying that "it is one of the strongest options" and has determined the situation of future school reopening and the impact on society as a whole. While showing the idea to consider.

In response to this, Prime Minister Abe said that due to the temporary closure of the school for a long period of time, he was asked to change the time of admission and the start of the new semester in September. We must secure it and make every effort not to make a big difference. ”

On top of that, "September admission is one of the strongest choices, and I would like to consider it extensively. It is important, so I must avoid hasty discussions, and I want to discuss it firmly and deeply." He also said that he would consider the situation while resuming school due to the cancellation of the emergency declaration and the impact on society as a whole.

In addition, Prime Minister Abe said, "I would like to think about the necessity of legislation that enables stronger measures than the current Act on Special Measures, by saying," At the stage when the measures have converged, what is more enforceable is necessary. If it becomes necessary, I would like to consider the revision of the law. "

On the other hand, regarding the proposed revision of the Public Prosecutor's Office Act that allows prosecutors to extend their retirement age, "This revision will not violate the separation of the three powers, and that there will be no arbitrary personnel affairs. I want to make an affirmation. "

He also asked whether the Tokyo High Public Prosecutors Office prosecutor General Kurokawa, who extended his retirement age, to become the Attorney General, said, "I haven't decided yet and I cannot say at this stage."