• Climate, the forecasts made in the 90s on the Amazon and ice have come true
  • Chaotic climate like the weather, 'impossible' forecasts


13 May 2020Thunderstorms in the north, African heat in the south with peaks of 38 degrees. An Italy divided in two and swept from north to south by the sand from the Libyan and Algerian desert.

In short, two meteorological pictures, one more different from the other.

In the north, storms and hailstorms are expected between tomorrow and Friday. South African heat wave, at least until Saturday, there will be peaks of 38 degrees. These are the predictions of 3bmeteo.com

 "In the next few days Italy will be disputed between a new Atlantic disturbance, which will involve the northern regions, and the African anticyclone that will bring the first intense heat wave to the south", explain the meteorologists, according to whom the areas most affected by the bad weather in the north will be "Alps, Prealps and in general the northwest. The center is marginally involved, with possible thunderstorms over north-western Tuscany".

From tomorrow to Friday the mercury column will pop up, starting from Sicily then it will be the turn of Calabria, Basilicata and Puglia. Here temperatures are expected ranging from 34 to 35 degrees in the interior areas but with peaks up to 38 degrees in Palermo. Such a hot May has not been recorded since 2008 when it reached 36.8 degrees in Palermitano and 36.6 in Foggia.

Also hot in the center with 30 degrees. Expected 30-32 degrees in Umbria and in the internal areas of Lazio and Abruzzo, also possible in Rome.