The Anchor

Party's satellite party, the Korean Party, will host a convention next week. It seems to be trying to extend the term of the party's representatives by the end of this month, but there is growing doubt that it is trying to build an independent bargaining group instead of a party with the United Party.

Reporter Su-young Kim on the sidewalk.

<Reporter> The day the

Korean Party tentatively decided to hold a pawn convention is the 19th.

In the Korean party's Dangheon, the current term of President Yu-Cheol Won's term is set to be until the 29th of this coming year, which seems to be trying to increase it.

The leadership of the Korean party is that it is inevitable to extend the term of office as the United Party and the party become late.

However, if you hurry up with the United Party and join the party, it is possible even within the current term of office, but it is doubtful that the increase in the term of office since the start of the 21st National Assembly is a political move to build a satellite bargaining group.

A South Korean party president-elect said, "There is an opinion inside the party that one more lawmaker will be formed to negotiate with the 21st National Assembly after creating an independent bargaining group."

In fact, President Yu Yoo-cheol of the Republic of Korea said he would discuss consolidation with Jo Ho-young, the leader of the consolidation party, while insisting that the abolition of the linked proportional representation system was a prerequisite.

It is an analysis that such a situation will be used as a cause for the reader's route, as it is difficult to achieve abolition of the interlocking proportional system in the near future.

[CEO Yu-Chul Won / Future Korea Party (Yesterday): A quasi-linked proportionality system must abolish the system, which has increased the confusion among the people… .]

The Democratic Party condemns "If the Korean Party creates a second bargaining group, that is the last politics."

The Democratic Party and the Citizens Party today (13th), as promised before the general election, completed the rationale process and officially launched as a 177-seat large ruling party.  

(Video coverage: Lee Seung-hwan and Ha Ryung, Video editing: Commissioner Yang)