BEIJING, May 13 (Xinhua) question: why is a US media say as "Chinese puppet"?

  Author: Kim Long Run

  "NBC and CNN say good things about China, they are Chinese puppets" "They are more and more laissez-faire in protecting China" "Don't ask me, ask China" ... Trump's media is not new, but he recently Frequently talk about things in China like never before.

  On May 1, Trump tweeted that National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) and CNN (CNN) "speak good things about China", which is "Chinese puppet" and "public enemy." Late at night on the 4th, Trump again criticized the two media on Twitter, saying that he was "increasingly laissez-faire in protecting China."

  On the 11th, Trump and the Chinese journalists of CBS were "on the bar". At a press conference held in the Rose Garden of the White House, Trump said that the United States is the world leader in the detection of new coronaviruses, repeatedly emphasizing that the United States is doing better than other countries. During the questioning session, a CBS reporter asked: "Why do you emphasize that" leading in the United States "is so important? There are still many new cases and deaths in the United States every day. Why is this global competition so important to you?"

  Faced with this sharp question, Trump answered what was not asked and pointed his finger at China. He said, "The world is dying. Maybe you should ask China this question. Don't ask me." He also criticized reporters for asking a "boring" question.

  After the press conference, Trump also tweeted, "These out-of-stream media are really out of control. Look at how they did it (collusively), they are public enemies."

  From accusing the media of "protecting" China to inexplicably "rejecting" China, Trump has shown increasing sensitivity to the word "China". Any positive appraisal of China seems to carry "original sin", and he must clearly oppose it. This kind of sensitivity has even developed. When he sees a question from a Chinese or Asian reporter, he will be involved in China. These abnormal behaviors actually expose their inner fears and anxieties.

  This fear and anxiety came from the "confused battle" of the American epidemic that he led. Due to the early neglect and neglect, the United States did not declare a "national emergency" until March 13, and missed the golden period of epidemic prevention and control. Since then, the outbreak has gradually been out of control, and the number of confirmed cases and deaths has risen rapidly. Up to now, the number of confirmed cases in the United States has exceeded 1.3 million, and the number of deaths has exceeded 80,000. Such a heavy price has put Trump under great pressure.

  What made him even more troublesome was that at the same time as the outbreak of the United States, the epidemic was once epicenter-China not only succeeded in containing the epidemic, but also started full-scale resumption of work and social life was steadily restored. As the saying goes, "There is no harm without comparison." In the face of China's excellent anti-epidemic student, how could Trump, who claimed to be one of the greatest presidents of the United States, not be anxious?

  As the first person responsible for directing the US epidemic, Trump is worried that some people will compare the epidemic figures between China and the United States, that the American people who have been misled by him will be held accountable by the government, and that they will lose due to the weak anti-epidemic Presidential election.

  In order to pass on responsibility and shift his attention, Trump decided to use China as a scapegoat. With the first use of the "Chinese virus" on Twitter on March 16, Trump forcibly joined the theme of "dumping China" in the US anti-epidemic narrative. Since then, "China concealed the epidemic", "the virus originated from the Wuhan Virus Research Institute," "the United States has a way to hold China accountable," "the United States has not finalized the amount of compensation that China should", and "China is making every effort to prevent my re-election." . It seems that Trump should not only blame China for the US epidemic and the global epidemic, but also blame China for the disadvantageous re-election situation he may face.

  However, Trump's set is not very effective. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, domestic calls to question Trump ’s anti-epidemic performance have come and gone, and his election advantages have been gradually eroded by the Democrats; at the same time, the idea of ​​the origin of the virus has become a consensus in the mainstream scientific community. China ’s open and transparent The anti-epidemic efforts have been widely recognized, and the United States is becoming a "different" in the international community.

  Facts have proved that dumping the pot in China is not a strange move, nor a magic medicine. This will not cure the new crown patients, and help the United States win the epidemic.

  Facing the continuous spread of the epidemic, Trump should take the courage to look directly at the problem, put the lives and health of the people first, and flatten the curve as a top priority. He should realize that only by truly controlling the epidemic can he win the trust of the American people. (Finish)