Students are not allowed to wear N95 masks when participating in sports activities

  "I wore a mask and ran around the playground, leaned back, and fell down, with my head on the ground."

  "A 14-year-old junior high school student also died suddenly in physical education class. The chat screenshot on the Internet said that the student was wearing a N95 mask running during the 1,000-meter test and suffered from sudden death due to poor breathing."

  Recently, the sudden death of students wearing masks in schools in Henan, Hunan and other places has been distressing. At the same time, sports safety during the epidemic has also become a hot topic. Epidemics, masks, physical education classes, aerobic exercise, hypoxia, when these factors come together and contradictions occur, how should we respond?

  Regarding sports and aerobics, Jiang Haitao, a retired sprinter from the Inner Mongolia Sports Team, told Sci-Tech Daily: "Generally speaking, the oxygen demand of normal adults when they are not exercising is about 250 ml / min; The amount of oxygen will increase sharply with the increase of exercise intensity. In theory, if you continue to run at the speed of 100 meters, the oxygen demand per minute can reach 40 liters. "

  Prolonged brain hypoxia can cause irreversible damage and even brain death. At the same time, severe hypoxia and continuous hypoxia can reduce myocardial contractility, slow heart rate, and decrease the blood output of the heart, forming a vicious circle with the symptoms of hypoxia. Heart failure is prone to occur.

  Obviously, while masks prevent viruses and harmful substances from entering the body, they also greatly limit the body's intake of oxygen. Does the sudden death of students have a direct relationship with wearing masks?

  Ren Ming, director of the Department of Cardiology of the Affiliated Hospital of Qinghai University, introduced in an interview with the Science and Technology Daily that the body ’s oxygen consumption increases during exercise, and it needs to inhale a lot of oxygen, and the professional masks such as N95 are not very breathable. The external air is handed over, the inhalation of oxygen is not timely, and the exhaled carbon dioxide remains in the nasal cavity and cannot be discharged in time. It will repeatedly inhale carbon dioxide and cannot absorb oxygen, thus causing severe hypoxia. This behavior will not only damage the human lungs. It can also cause damage to the body. In short, the risk of wearing masks is much greater than the risk of not wearing masks.

  At a recent press conference on the prevention and control of the New Coronary Pneumonia in Beijing, Liu Xiaofeng, deputy director of the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that outdoor sports do not need to wear masks, but close contact with others should be avoided.

  In addition, the Xiamen Municipal Education Bureau also stipulates that when outdoor sports, a safe distance between each other, you can not wear a mask, in addition, the physical examination of the senior high school entrance examination may not wear a mask.

  "As a cardiologist, we suggest that you do not wear masks during strenuous exercise. It is best to engage in soothing exercises such as walking during the wearing of masks; currently affected by the epidemic, you can wear general masks and do not wear professional N95 masks. At the same time, One-meter relative safety distance must be maintained between people during running. "

  So, what should I do when I encounter a condition such as hypoxia and sudden death caused by wearing a mask during exercise? Ren Ming said: "In the event of an emergency of sudden death, the patient must be cardiopulmonary resuscitation within 4 minutes of golden time. The sooner the rescue is performed, the greater the chance of rescue. We advocate that everyone should understand the basic operations of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Unable to reach the scene in a short time, and the immediate rescue of the surrounding people will greatly avoid the occurrence of tragedy. "