The intestine is one of the main organs in the human body, it is responsible for absorbing all the nutrients the body needs and plays an important role in maintaining its balance. Did you know that this intestine can cover the area of ​​two tennis courts?

The quantities, varieties, and types of food that a person consumes vary daily, and their journey begins from the mouth and pharynx to settle in the stomach, where the chemical digestion of food begins, before it is then transferred to the intestine to continue the process of digestion and absorption.

The length of the small intestine ranges on average from 3 to 5 meters, while the length of the large intestine is about 1.5 meters.

The intestine is an important vital member of the digestive system. In addition to its tasks in the process of digestion and absorption of simple food particles, especially mineral salts and vitamins, and their transport to blood through specialized cells in this, the intestine is related to the mood of the human being, according to a scientific article published on the Bild newspaper website German.

According to the same article, the latest studies have shown that some of the lactic acids in the intestine in mice help alleviate their anxiety and depression, and this may cause many of those who suffer from nervous anxiety to hesitate frequently on the toilet in the difficult situations they are going through.


Nutrition is a crucial factor in maintaining intestinal health, and hence the health of the digestive system in general. Therefore, eating a varied diet improves bowel health and improves quality of life.

And fiber plays an important role in maintaining the health of the digestive system, especially the indigestible fibers found in vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

A study conducted by researchers at the University of Nottingham and Kings in London on data from more than 600 twins in the UK "twin data record" found that the diversity of healthy bacteria in the intestine contributed to the lower chance of atherosclerosis, which indicates that improving bowel health may be a way to prevent Cardiovascular diseases, according to the British newspaper "The Daily Telegraph".


Promoting bowel health
A 2017 American study showed that eating cranberries (Cranberries) enhances bowel health by promoting the growth and health of beneficial microorganisms in them.

The study was conducted by researchers at the University of Massachusetts and Rhode Island in the United States, and published in the journal "Applied and Environmental Microbiology".

The research team conducted its study to explore the benefits of eating cranberry in promoting the growth and health of beneficial microorganisms in the intestine, and they found that the carbohydrates in this berry help the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestine.

Research indicates that the beneficial types of bacteria affect our immune system, and they play a role in digesting the contents of food, maintaining a biological balance between the various species of bacteria that settle in the intestine, and helping to absorb some nutrients.

Besides, according to another British study, foods containing fatty acids known as "omega-3" such as fish, nuts and garlic maintain the intestines and digestive system.

The study was conducted by researchers from the College of Medicine at the universities of "Nottingham" and "Kings College London" in Britain, and was published in 2017 in the scientific journal "Robot".

She has indicated that "omega-3" can preserve the diversity of intestinal bacteria, which are the basis of human health.

The research team conducted its study on 876 volunteers, to test the effectiveness of fatty acids in maintaining intestinal health. The researchers found that eating foods containing these acids is linked to the diversity and increase in the numbers of beneficial intestinal bacteria that fight disease.


According to the study, there are billions of living things in the human body that affect the human immune system, and they also have a role in autoimmunity that works directly when certain diseases are affected.

The researchers added that beneficial intestinal bacteria settle in the human stomach a few months after birth, accompanying him throughout his life, and play a role in digesting food and maintaining the biological balance between the various bacterial species.

They revealed that it plays an important role in getting rid of food waste and helping to absorb some minerals and vitamins. It also produces a substance that mimics the work of antibiotics that fight harmful bacteria.

"Omega-3" fatty acids are found in fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, fish oil, nuts and garlic, and they can also be obtained through eating nutritional supplements found in pharmacies, but after consulting a doctor.