In connection with the gas leak accident, the Indian Environmental Court ordered LG Polymers India to deposit 500 million rupees and approximately 8 billion won of our money.

According to local media and industry officials such as The Hindu, the Indian Environmental Court yesterday (8th) ordered such a deposit to be prepared for damages related to gas leak damage.

The Justice Department has asked the Indian Ministry of Environment and state authorities to report on incident response measures by the 18th.

The court also has a fact-finding committee of five.

The Environmental Court is a kind of special court that monitors the environmental impact on industrial activities and monitors companies for compliance with environmental regulations.

Earlier, at the LG Polymers India plant in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, southern India, a styrene gas leak occurred on the morning of the 7th, killing 12 neighbors and receiving over 800 hospitalizations.

The industry expects civil and criminal lawsuits to continue in this case.

The High Court of Andhra Pradesh decided to proceed with the related hearing schedule as soon as possible after receiving expert opinions as early as next week, and local police hired LG Polymers executives on charges of neglecting toxic substances and killing negligence.

Experts also expect civil lawsuits, including victims and environmental groups, to be filed.