All spring, prospective students have wondered what their student day will be like when nothing is as usual. 

During Friday, many were told what the plan for their big day looks like.

Kalmarsund High School Association does not cancel the celebration. But it will be different.

- The principals have discussed with the student councils who had three major wishes. They wanted to come to school and say goodbye to their class and their teachers, they wanted a ceremony with a mouse popping and a jump. So we will do so in a new way, says Joachim Håkansson, associate director.

Parents may follow via social media

The students will be told what time they can come to school to attend a ceremony with a mouse-taking. Students will run out with their class. But they will not be met by placards, flowers and teddy bears. Relatives may not come to the school yard.

- We will inform all parents that we have a webcast of the source on social media, says Joachim Håkansson

The school yard will be blocked off and guest hosts will be on site.

- Everyone has to take responsibility, we appeal to people to do so.

Several high schools have similar solutions

In Ljungby at Sunnebogymnasiet, students will first gather classically scattered at the school. When they have eaten lunch together in their classroom may run out in class with a limited audience.

Växjö Municipality has decided on a similar solution. The plan is for the students to gather in class and that later in the day they will run out with their class and be met by a limited audience.

If the mode of infection changes, the organization around the student can be changed at short notice.

Västervik's high school will announce the student celebration on Monday.