<Anchor> The

government sends 1 million masks to the 16 veterans that participated in the Korean War and to countries that provided medical assistance. The government decided to expand humanitarian mask support after adoptees abroad.

Reporter Kim Hak-hui will deliver this news.


Boxes are loaded one after another in the Air Force transport.

It is a mask to be delivered to American veterans who ran to the Korean Peninsula 70 years ago during the Korean War.

[I will transport 500,000 masks by air.] The

government provides 1 million masks to overseas veterans, who are 88 years old and on average, 500,000 copies in the United States, which account for more than 90% of all veterans, and the remaining 500,000 Zhang delivers to 21 countries, including the UK, Canada and Turkey.

[Kim Eun-ki / Co-chair of the 70th Anniversary Project Promotion Committee of the June 25th War: I would like to reciprocate the sacrifices and contributions of UN veterans. .] The

Air Force plane to the United States was originally scheduled to take off at 9:20 p.m. on today (8th), but the departure was postponed for two days due to bad weather.

The mask, which the government earlier decided to apply to overseas adoptees, will also arrive around the next week.

[Estelle / Chairman of the Korean Adoption Association of France 'Korea Nantes': The Korean government says that they send masks to adoptees without forgetting, so I think I'm very grateful for just hearing the words.]

The first demand survey was conducted against overseas adoptees, and it is scheduled to send 12 copies to 6,700 people in 14 countries.

The government has also decided to actively support countries that request masks for humanitarian purposes.

So far, more than 70 countries have officially requested the government to support masks.

(Video coverage: Seungwon Park and Jaeyoung Lee, Video editing: Soyoung Lee)