A video of an American woman wearing a boxing glove violently assaulting a pet dog shocked the netizens.

On the 5th of the local time, foreigners such as the New York Post reported that a 13-second video of a woman hitting a dog's head several times was released in the photo / video sharing application Snapchat.

In the video in question, the woman unilaterally attacked the dog while wearing boxing gear, and the dog jumped, howl, and suffered. At the end of the video, the woman said, "I am so shocked that I hit too hard."

The man who filmed the video laughed, saying, "We're boxing with an animal. This should be seen by Sarah McLaklan." Sarah McLaklan is an American singer and well-known animal rights activist. The netizens were angry, saying, "I don't even know what I'm doing wrong and I'm making fun of it."

"Humain Society," an animal rights group, said, "There are a lot of reports about the video that are difficult to handle." The group said they found out who the woman in the video was. "The investigation is under way by local prosecutors. Based on the results of the investigation, the prosecution will be decided."

In Idaho, where this incident occurred, animal abuse is being severely punished. The woman's behavior in the video was reported to be a prison sentence of up to six months in prison and a fine of $ 5,000.

This is 'News Pick'.

(Photo = 'Idaho News 6' YouTube, 'Idaho Humane Society' Facebook)