
US President Trump said South Korea has agreed to pay a considerable amount of money in the defense negotiations. It has been pressured on us again, saying that it has not been decided yet, but our government has yet to agree, it is a public opinion.

This is reporter Kim Hye-young.


President Trump at the press conference.

In the question of Saudi Arabia's current issue, he said, "There are rich nations the United States has protected for no reason."

[President Trump / US: South Korea has agreed to pay significant money to the United States. Thank you very much.]

Trump's remark that he agreed to increase is the second time since the 29th of last month.

High-ranking officials from the U.S. administration have also launched a kind of public opinion, confirming that the US demand for $ 1.3 billion, which is raising 50%, is unusual.

The government dismissed it as being true.

An official at the Blue House emphasized that "negotiations are in progress" and "no agreement", and it is only a public opinion among government officials, and rejects the 13 percent of the US-ROK ships that have been cleaned up on a US-ROK ship with a cynical response that it is not a cross-border negotiation technique. Some pointed out that it was President Trump that twisted the year negotiations.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has drawn no further concessions since yesterday when the US $ 1.3 billion was handed over.

[Incheol Kim / Spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Yesterday): To be able to accept (negotiation results), the outcome of negotiations must be reasonable and fair to both sides.] Despite

such hard currents, the United States could increase its pressure on economic issues such as tariffs. In that sense, an atmosphere that prepares for a number of different cases is read.

(Video coverage: Jung Sung-hwa, Video editing: Seung-jin Lee, CG: Hyun-jung Seo, Gyeong-mun Lee)