
May 06, 2020 There are 477 Covid-19 positive State Police operators compared to 458 in the previous week. It is a slight increase, carried forward mostly by a few Italian regions, that of agents infected today and which seems to be a good omen for a phase 2 at the beginning. Two deaths remain, one in Lazio and one in Campania, the number of hospitalized patients drops: 13 compared to 15 of the last update, and the number of staff in isolation also drops: 201, forty-five fewer.

Piedmont and Tuscany are "spoiling" the optimistic trend, where there is a greater increase in positives than the national wave in the process of stabilization: 32 in the first and 18 in the second, against 28 and 12 of seven days ago.

For the rest, in the most affected Lombardy, there is only one more positive operator, so in Liguria, Veneto and Campania, two in Emilia Romagna and Trentino Alto Adige, while Friuli Venezia Giulia remains completely unchanged, stopping at 4 infected, Umbria and Puglia at 12, Marche at 20, Abruzzo at 7, Sardinia at 6, Molise and Basilicata at 1, Sicily at 8 and Calabria at 2. 

The situation in the Lazio, where the positive agents at Covid remain 40 while there is also a case in Valle d'Aosta.