[Joo Young-Jin's News Briefing]

When citing an interview, please be sure to state the program name 'SBS <Joo Young-Jin's News Briefing'. Copyright is SBS.

■ Broadcast: SBS <Ju Young-jin's News Briefing> Mon ~ Fri (14: 00 ~ 16: 00)
■ Progress: Joo Young-jin Anchor
■ Talk: Choi Hyung-doo, the elected party leader
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Q. Area of ​​the current 4th legislator ... Have you had any difficulties with the nomination process?
"I do my best in the nomination process ... I think it is a natural replacement process."

Q. How did you become a journalist?
"I'm impressed by the media that revealed the justice, such as the death of Park Jong-cheol."

Q. How did you become a politician?
"Prime Minister's Office-靑-The National Assembly's harsh public service experience was greatly appreciated"

Q. Why did you go to the conservative party?
" Recognize the legitimacy of the free democracy and market economy system"


▷ Joo Young-jin / Anchor: It's time to meet the elected elector of the new topic in the 21st National Assembly. Today (6th), Choi Hyung-doo, the future consolidator of Masan Happo-gu, Changwon, came out. Welcome to.

▶ Hyung-Doo Choi, Future Integration Party President: How are you?

▷ Juyoungjin / Anchor: Did you get a lot of congratulations?

▶ Choi Hyeong-doo Future President-elect: Yes.

▷ Youngjin Joo / Anchor: How is it? The finals will also be difficult.

▶ Hyung-Doo Choi, Future Integration Party Winner: It was very difficult to win the election. There was an active lawmaker, Jungjin, and a 5th lawmaker.

▷ Young-Jin Joo / Anchor: Lee Ju-young, President of the National Assembly.

▶ Hyung-doo Choi, President of the Future Integration Party: And there was also a first-time congressman. So it was a composition that competed with two active lawmakers, and two new members. There were two competitors who had been active in the region for a long time, so it almost went through until March 20th. It was a very difficult election, and in the finals, Gyeongnam, Busan, and Ulsan are not the same nowadays. Also, the Democratic Party's support tax was so strong that I did my best because it was an atmosphere that I could not tolerate.

▷ Young-Jin Joo / Anchor: The chairman of the National Assembly, Lee Ju-young, was excluded from the competition and made a lot of backlash, but I think that the process may have been quite difficult.

▶ Hyung-Doo Choi, President of the Future United Party: Perhaps when the party made such a decision, there was local public opinion, but I now saw the process as a metabolism process. As there is a metabolism in nature, is it not this process in which spring and winter alternate and yield to each other? However, the process was a little loud, but if you do it once again as Vice Chairman Lee Joo-young, you can become the National Assembly on the 6th line if you become a majority party, which can play a bigger role for the region. He said this, and he said, 'There will be local expectations for new hopes, new characters, and new strategies, so they will naturally be decided through the convergence process, through the contest, and through the nomination process.' Leave it to luck and did your best.

▷ Youngjin Joo / Anchor: How is it? In fact, I haven't been able to come to Korea since President-elect Choi Hyeong-doo entered the political field, and I remember remembering that he was in the media as a media senior, and Washington correspondent did it before me. Are there any special occasions for you to transform from journalists to politicians?

▶ Hyung-Doo Choi, President of the Future Integration Party: When this was my fifties, a proposal came from the Prime Minister's Office. What would you do if you got a public affairs manager?

▷ Youngjin Joo / Anchor: Prime Minister at the time?

▶ Hyung-Doo Choi, Future Integration Party Leader: Prime Minister Kim Sik Kim. At that time, the minister was Lim Jong-yong. While I was a reporter, I entered and entered the department. But as a reporter, I think you looked at me carefully. People seemed to think that they were not humble, but humble. So, how about trying a job? I was recommended because the position of the Public Affairs Office was taken by some of the journalists from all past journalists. I didn't even think about going to the exam, but when the exam got longer, I said, 'Let's verify the office. Meanwhile, I will wait for more answers. Please agree to the verification. ' So, I think it's not a big deal because I'm going to find a better person, but after agreeing to this verification, I made a reputation check all over the town.

▷ Young-Jin Joo / Anchor: Already known.

▶ Hyung-Doo Choi, President of the Future Integration Party: It is already known, and if I can't go there, he has something wrong and I can't go. That's why I went to public office. Somehow it is called a civil servant. It's a fish, like this. It was a first-class job.

▷ Young-Jin Joo / Anchor: Those who are always public officials are also called 'Nong-Gong'.

▶ Choi Hyeong-doo Future President-elect: Those are now those who have taken the administrative notice. However, the office did not end with the prime minister's office, and it happened to be the president's secretary's office and happened as a spokesman for the National Assembly. This is probably the first line we expect in our region, but how big will the 5th-century senator be? Whether it's a local budget, a policy, or a very large capacity, I think it's such an experience in public affairs, and in a way, it seems to have greatly appreciated that I learned the government from the core.

▷ Young-Jin Joo / Anchor: Then you entered the politics area and took the Gyeongsang-do and the finals, and now you are elected to the National Assembly. Life is really unknown.

▶ Choi Hyeong-doo Future President-elect: Unknown.

▷ Youngjin Joo / Anchor: How is it? If you look back on the road you have gone through, the road you've been through so far, how about trying to figure out the way to go?

▶ Hyung-Doo Choi, Future Integration Party President: At a university similar to my age, my friends are already doing 4th and 5th. If you look like that, I think you might have entered the political road lately, but I think it's service. Instead, while our friends were members of the National Assembly, I did correspondents with other experiences they hadn't been able to do, and as a journalist, I looked at every part of the people's lives and looked at what the government was doing inside and outside. I have gained wisdom by realizing experiences and different experiences from them in real life. So, I think that I have accumulated a small stepping stone that I can do for our country, our hometown and small country.

▷ Young-Jin Joo / Anchor: To the Future Integration Party. You talked to your friends at the time of college, but did you have any colleagues at the Future Unification Party who have walked a similar path to the election of Choi Hyung-doo as a college student, that is, at that time, did democratization or student movement?

▶ Choi Hyeong-doo Future President-elect: Many. It is a lot to see. It's not because I can't be nominated this time. I can't get a nomination, or the

winner is ... ▷ Ju Young-Jin / Anchor: By the way, aren't there many winners?

▶ Hyung-Doo Choi, Future Integration Party Winner: You should probably look for one of the winners. But in the case of the Future United Party and me, I thought we should all have done it at that time. So I didn't brag about it, and I didn't hide it with a shameful record. It was about 30 years ago, and it was quite different. There was actually no democratic basic right. Neither the president could be elected directly, neither a politician nor a member of parliament could run for a parliamentary election. The basic rights of the people, freedom of speech, freedom of expression, etc., were also very limited, and in those days, these days have become the subject of movies. This has never happened to us today's democracy or anything like this. It's all a product of the efforts of those days, and I just joined the ranks briefly. It doesn't hide anything, and it doesn't boast. Because most of our colleagues in our time did it, so did our seniors.

▷ Joo Young-Jin / Anchor: 'There is no need to hide, but I am not proud of it.' When you said this, I think that Hyung-Doo Choi was not just a student who participated in the student movement, but also a student who has been doing quite a lot. Even the article is coming out now, the Minjung Party. At that time, I wrote an article that was a riot. Democratization struggle, co-chairman of the Student Federation Choi Hyung-doo. The article was written in the fourth year of Sociology at Seoul National University. The reason I ask this question also seems to be a picture ready. You were probably jailed for that incident at that time?

▶ Choi Hyeong-doo Future President-elect: Yes.

▷ Youngjin Joo / Anchor: How much did you do?

▶ Hyung-Doo Choi, Future Integration Party President: I lived in prison for 10 months. I was released from the appeal. I was released, but I was wanted for three years.

▷ Young-Jin Joo / Anchor: For 3 years I've been wanted.

▶ Hyung-Doo Choi, Future United Party President-elect: Considering those days, the Park Jong-cheol incident was around me.

▷ Juyoungjin / Anchor: It was announced in January 1987.

▶ Hyung-Doo Choi, Future Integration Party President: It happened and I was caught in April, 87. But what would it be really like from the autumn of 85? The application of the law to the student movement has become terrifying. I don't know what kind of public security authorities felt at the time when the National Security Law came up, and the investigation was very harsh and there were many torture cases. So, at that time, it was quite long, and then I was caught. At that time, the incident was that of Park Jong-cheol's torture case and Nam Young-dong's torture of Kim Geun-tae. There were so many.

▷ Young-Jin Joo / Anchor: I was the chairman of the Uri Party.

▶ Hyung-Doo Choi, President of the Future Incorporated Party: These events are now in 1987, but this seems to be a natural straight line right now. In the process, the conflict with the citizens who wanted democracy and the ruling class to continue the military dictatorship was a big time, and it was a time when there were many torture cases.

▷ Young-Jin Joo / Anchor: The thing that reminded me of the old things is that a lot of people who used to be a student movement and a democratization movement at that time were on the Democratic Party side. Of course, there will be few in the future unification party. Even if I think about something now, I think about Governor Won Hee-ryong, Jeju. So why is Choi Hyeong-doo elected a conservative party, not a Democratic Party? Particularly rooted in the military dictatorship in the 1980s, right? Democratic Justice Party at the time. Would he decide to join this conservative party and politicize? I really want to hear this part.

▶ Hyung-Doo Choi, President of the Future Integration Party: That's probably a different experience. When I was released in 1988, I also had a proposal in the political sphere. Mr. Kim at the time. DJ and YS are all young blood transfusions, and I was on the young blood transfusion list. At the time, I was somewhat democratized, and while I was a student movement at the time, my father was a civil servant at the end, and he suffered a lot. My mother shed a lot of tears and now I've made it constant so I'm going to develop my skills So I thought I'd try to take the lead in foreign currency earning in Korea at a general trading company. I was also helped, but it was the media that revealed the torture case of Jong-Cheol Park. Chosun Ilbo, Dong-A Ilbo, and JoongAng Ilbo, now referred to as conservative media.

▷ Juyoungjin / Anchor: Dong-A Ilbo.

▶ Hyung-Doo Choi, President of the Future Integration Party: These newspapers were leading the way. And at that time, I was caught after a long wanted, and then I was in a certain room. It was also a time when I was threatened with torture in the torture case, and it was the journalists who searched for my whereabouts and told my family to come to the meeting. So, ah, the media is a big player. Particularly, this was the beginning of this democratization. So, taking the media test was a very valuable opportunity for me to learn about our economy as well as learn about our society and learn diplomatic security. Unlike those of our friends who went to the Democratic Party and those who had been looking at it from the beginning with the view of democratization, I saw it like industrialization, internationalization, and international systems, especially when I was studying in America. After learning microeconomics, why is this why good policies failed terribly in the market? This is a good policy for the minimum wage system that our government is experiencing. And it would be a good policy for a 52-hour work system, which would lead to more unemployment and harder people. It was also an opportunity to study more about why this is a good policy and market failure. That is why it is not necessarily the right words and good policy intentions, but it is a system that has both a liberal democracy and a market economy. I have a lesson in Korea, but I have even published a book as a correspondent, saying that the ROK-US alliance or all of these things had a reason for Korea to come to this day.

▷ Juyoungjin / Anchor: I remember.

▶ Hyung-Doo Choi, President of the Future United Party: These processes seem to have become some kind of nourishment for me and my friends in the Democratic Party. There are also friends who have shared their will with the Democratic Party about the issue of denuclearization, these days, and the resumption of Shinhanul Units 3 and 4.

▷ Youngjin Joo / Anchor: I see. I have to finish the talk with President-elect Choi Hyung-doo now, but if vice-president Jae-yong Lee says that he is apologizing to the public, I'm not sure if there is a picture coming on. I'm getting someone I know very well. We, Choi Hyeong-doo, know well. Samsung Electronics Baek Soo-hyun, is he vice president? Soo-Hyun Baek, vice president of the SBS Economics Department, is watching society, and I think I should say hello to Mr. Choi Hyung-Doo. Since we have to show Jae-Yong Lee's apology to the public in real time, please show us the faces of Choi Hyung-doo. I'm not asking any more questions today. I would like you to keep what you said today. Thank you.

▶ Choi Hyeong-doo Future President-elect: Thank you. Thank you.

(SBS New Media Department)