Adam Munir

One of the noticeable phenomena in the current Ramadan series season is the fact that many stars collaborate and form comic duets, such as Ahmed Fahmy and Akram Hosni in “The Men of the House”, Ali Rabie and Mustafa Khater in “Omar and Diab”, and from the older generation Nadia Al Jundi and Nabila Obaid in “ Sugar overtime "; this is probably not a new phenomenon but has increased significantly during this season.

Double the chance for success
There may be two main reasons for using two stars instead of one in these businesses:

The first reason is to double the chances of success. In the case of “Men of the House”, we find that the work tries to benefit from the previous success of the same duo, my understanding and Hosni, in “Madam Wind” in 2017, and the same applies to Rabi and Khater in “Omar and Diab” as they have a rule A common mass, which is the "theater of Egypt" audience, who would be happy to join together one of the two stars that they used to watch.

The second reason is to reduce losses. For Mustafa Khater and Ali Rabie, their latest series have not achieved much success, and then the producers will think long before producing a business for each of them separately, while the combination of them can be an opportunity to reduce losses.

The previous Ahmed Fahmy series, "Al-Wad Sayed El-Shahat" was also not at the required level, so combining it with Akram Hosni is an opportunity to reduce the risk in creating a new business that mainly depends on it.

The same rules apply, with a slight difference, to Nabila Obeid and Nadia Al-Joundi in "Sukkar Ziyada", as both have been away from the screen for a long time, and even in their last works they have not achieved much success, and given their long history of competition on the cinema screen in the past, the idea Their combination here is to double or maybe bet the chances of success.

who is the winner?
Despite the previous success of their series "The Wind of Madame", the level at which "Men of the House" has come out so far has not been able to achieve the required success, and it certainly does not hold up in comparison with "The Wind of Madame". The series is almost devoid of events, with a heavy reliance on verbal comedy in most episodes.

This comes despite the fact that the series was written by Ayman Wattar, who wrote "The Will", starring Akram Hosni and Ahmed Amin in 2018, and it was the work that had a great role in establishing Akram Hosni's feet as a first hero. Given that Ahmed Fahmy did not achieve success in "El-Sayed Sayed El-Shahat" last year, Akram Hosni is the biggest loser so far of "The Man of the House".

The situation is relatively different in "Omar and Diab", since Ali Rabie took his starring step in the TV series, which started with the joint championship in "Response" in 2016, and he did not achieve any success in Ramadan seasons, while Mustafa Khater had a good experience is " Roumi Quarter "in 2018, followed by" Shot Luck "series last year which brought him back to square zero.

"Omar and Diab" did not add to the balance of either of them, although the series was directed by Moataz El-Touni, who had many successful comedies, but the major crisis came in the series's scenario, and in his hero’s reliance on the "Egypt Theater" method of mocking each other without resorting to Real comic situations.

While “Sukkar Ziyada” came poor in everything, in the production that shows its stinginess in the decorations, and by the performance of Nabila Obeid, whose words have become difficult to pronounce and face free of required expressions, passing through weak writing that does not provide comedy suitable for personalities, and ending with poor production.

Were it not for that it was shown almost two months before Ramadan, we would have said that the series "The Game" of the duo Hisham Majid and Shekou, occupies an advanced place in the comedy during this Ramadan season, as it is already being played back on screens.

Out of expectation
and outside the usual comedies, Nelly Karim and Aser Yassin in the series "100 W" to present a very different comedy, and it has been missing in Egyptian business for a long time. A comedy based on a powerful scenario that establishes characters and provides real plot, not just a group of funny situations. This comes with the presence of a strong director, Kamel Abu Zekri, who excelled in presenting the scenario in a distinctive way.

Although Aser Yassin and Nelly Karim are not primarily comedians, but the latter was notorious for a while providing serious roles, they surprised viewers with elaborate comedy performance, as if comedy was their main stadium.

"100 Wush" asserts that the real comedy does not depend on the names of the participating artists, but rather on the presence of a strong scenario and a real director.

The previous works that we mentioned feel that it is the stars who control the details of the work, and they are the ones who impose this kind of "aviations" comedy without real ideas.

But, on the contrary, it pushes "100 Wsh" in the idea and writing in general to the front of the work, and when the makers of the series paid attention to the scenario and directing before the star, the result was to create an exceptional comedy series.