• Ats Milano: 1,689 deaths in Rsa, 823 of which in structures in the capital
  • Coronavirus: Milan, searches of Finance at Pio Albergo Trivulzio and other RSAs


04 May 2020To reconstruct the "chain" of provisions and communications between the Region, Ats (ex ASL) and nursing homes, Milanese investigators and investigators, who investigate the deaths in the RSA, officials of the regional administration and of the 'Health protection agency as witnesses. Indiscretions emerged during the activities of the Gdf and the judicial police team, coordinated by the department led by the adjunct Tiziana Siciliano, who has opened over 20 investigations for an epidemic and manslaughter on the Milanese residences, including the Pio Albergo Trivulzio.

It was known that the testimonies in the minutes were collected last week, when some relatives and operators, including from Pat, who listened spontaneously for the hearings, were listened to as "summary testimonial information". Already in the media in recent weeks some workers, including from Trivulzio, had spoken of the lack of masks and "threats if we used them".

The 'systematic' hearings of the witnesses, in particular relatives of RSA guests and health workers, will be held starting tomorrow and then in the following days, with the summons to the offices of the judicial police in Milan in via Pace. To allow depositions to take place with the utmost safety, special stations are set up in the offices to guarantee distances and protect health, even with transparent Plexiglas dividers. Last week, meanwhile, the first hearings of officials, relatives of victims and operators were held, in particular, in front of investigators from the Gdf Economic and Financial Police Unit.

The investigators, meanwhile, have cataloged and are analyzing the huge amount of documents, including hundreds of medical records, collected during the series of searches in the facilities and during the acquisitions in the offices of the AT and the Region. 

At the center of the Milanese investigations, in addition to the hundreds of deaths, there are the directives on the use of personal protective equipment, their shortage, the chapters of the tampons not carried out and the entrances of relatives until the first days of March. And again the transfer of Covid patients from hospitals to the RSA, according to the regional resolution of March 8, the Trivulzio acted as a "central" sorting, the alleged "mixture" in the same departments between patients and the elderly and also the lack of hospitalization of guests who were treated in the facilities and not transferred to the emergency room, on the basis of a resolution of March 30th.