Heartburn is one of the most troublesome health troubles that many fasting people suffer during the holy month of Ramadan, so how can we prevent them? The answer is here, along with a helpful set of other health tips.

In heartburn, one suffers from burning pain behind the sternum after consuming a fatty meal or spicy food.

Food passes from the throat to the stomach through the esophagus, and the lower end of the esophagus is usually closed at the entrance to the stomach so that food mixed with the gastric juices does not return to the esophagus again.
healthy, this region -alta where integrated into the muscles of the esophagus and Almadh- are opened and closed when you eat and drink or for a short period when burping, but when low muscle 's ability to contract in this region, it may be allowed Bartjaa gastric juice sour to Esophagus, which appears as a burning pain behind the sternum.

Professor Herbert Kopp of the German Society for Gastroenterology and Metabolism explains this condition by saying, "Some people suffer from occasional heartburn during vacations or after eating a fatty meal," and confirms that this condition is harmless and goes away on its own, and many feel Some people have acidity from time to time, but it is acidity of air and not liquid most of the time, which is very natural.


Simple trick her part, explained Ursula Zaraberg of the Federal Chamber of German pharmacists, there is a simple trick that will help you get rid of heartburn sometimes, where eating a large glass of water for a short time enough to overcome the heartburn Acute, in this way the stomach acid is expelled from the esophagus and returned to the stomach.

Doctors often advise in cases of sporadic heartburn to walk on foot after eating, while it is not recommended to lie down, because this helps in returning the gastric juices to the esophagus easily. Among other tips, raising the head when sleeping with lifting the head.

Generally, muscle weakness in the area between the esophagus and stomach may be due to various causes, such as a hiatal hernia. Cobb added that a range of different disorders are often detected with heartburn.

The problem is that the severity of the symptoms is not a reliable sign, as people feel symptoms in a different way, and often there is no direct relationship between the amount of fluid that returns in the esophagus and the symptoms and complaints described by the patient. Pump inhibitors
of the proton and when the heartburn is extremely painful, in this case is treated by drugs inhibitory acid inhibitors group proton pump (PPI), and some of these drugs are available in pharmacies and do not require a prescription.

The German Professor explained that "acid blockers work to reduce acid production in the stomach, and raise the pH of the contents of the stomach, and thus the pH of the fluid that returns to the esophagus." Although there are no side effects of the drugs, it must be addressed when it is needed only. Acid blockers sometimes do not work, for example if the amount of acid that returns in the esophagus is large, then the effect of acid blockers is limited.


Here we can think of resorting to surgical treatment, for example , in the case of patients who arrives with the liquid to the throat, and if the symptoms persist for longer than two weeks or if symptoms such as vomiting appeared (with blood) or difficulty swallowing or cough, shortness Breathe or lose balance, then you should consult a doctor. Rules
for the prevention 1. Eat small breakfast.

2- Stay away from fat and frying pans.

3- Avoid eating before bed.

4- Instead of eating a large breakfast once, the food can be divided into small meals, for example breakfast in dates and water, then perform the Maghrib prayer, then eat a small plate of the main course, then sit with the family and perform Tarawih, then eat a small amount of food or Sweets after Tarawih.

5- Take care to eat low-fat and protein-rich meals, such as lean meat that is easy to digest.

6- Ensuring that the stomach is completely empty when going to bed.

7- Avoid wearing tight clothes.

8- Avoid stress and stress.

9- Exercise.


In another matter, Professor Jawdat Erdoul, President of the University of Health Sciences in Istanbul, said, "Fasting strengthens the immune system of healthy people."

He added that "scientific studies have shown that fasting for three days strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance to disease even in the elderly."

Erdoul explained - in an interview with the Anatolia Agency - that with the exception of those who suffer from diseases, it is recognized that fasting does not harm the health of ordinary people, but on the contrary, it increases the body's resistance to disease.

For his part, internal medicine specialist, Ammar Ajouz, told Anatolia, that "patients with arterial hypertension are high-risk patients with coronavirus infection, and a good portion of them have other chronic diseases, chiefly diabetes and cardiovascular diseases."

He continued, "It may occur to some people that fasting of long hours may weaken the body and weaken its immunity against diseases, but the truth is the opposite. Many studies have shown the positive effect of fasting on the human immune system."

And he recalled, "The words of the Prophet of Mercy, Muhammad Al-Mustafa, peace be upon him (fast, wake up) ... except in exceptional sick cases where fasting should be avoided."


Dr. Ammar Ajouz provided a number of advice for a healthy fasting:

First: Diabetics

1- Diabetics (its first and second types) are advised to consult a doctor about the possibility of performing the duty of fasting or not, so each patient has his own condition, and the only one able to evaluate it is the doctor.

2- Compliance fully with the treatment plan prescribed by the doctor.

3- Avoid eating a large amount of food during breakfast and dividing it into three or four small meals between breakfast and suhoor times, to avoid sudden changes in blood sugar.

4- Avoid eating simple or fast-absorbing sugars (white sugar, sweets, some fruits, starches, etc.).

5- Make sure to eat more vegetables that contain fiber.

6- Drinking enough water (about two liters per day), and you should focus on this point for the elderly, as symptoms of dehydration appear to them more quickly than other age groups.

7- Caring for physical activity on an ongoing basis, and hiking is one of the most preferred sports.

8- Take care to eat suhoor meal, eat protein and avoid sugars in this meal, to avoid the sudden rise in blood sugar that results in a parallel rise in the hormone insulin, which can expose the patient to a decrease in blood sugar.

9- Daily monitoring of blood sugar, especially patients who use insulin. Daily monitoring of sugar is very important in determining the appropriate insulin dose for a patient that avoids low or high sugar.


Second: Heart patients and arterial hypertension

1- Communicate with the attending physician to organize the treatment plan during Ramadan, and adhere fully to it.

2- Reducing, as much as possible, the amount of salt in the food, so that it does not exceed 3 grams per day.

3- Avoid doing physical exertion during the fasting period, and postponing it until after breakfast.

4- It is also advised - as it is for diabetics - to multiply meals and reduce their quantity, and practice walking, and drinking enough water. For patients with heart failure, this amount should be determined by the follow-up doctor to avoid the development of heart failure.