In Brazil, the number of Corona19 deaths has exceeded 7,000.

On the 30th of last month in local time, thousands of tombs and cemeteries were found in protective garments in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

As the deadly deaths filled up the places where the bodies were laid a month ago, authorities once again installed more than 4,000 tombs and apartment-type cemeteries nationwide.

According to the Brazilian Ministry of Health yesterday (as of the 3rd), there are 10,147 confirmed cases of corona19 in Brazil and 7,25 deaths. The problem is that despite this situation, the president's dogmatic action continues.

Since the early days of Corona 19, President Zaire Messiah Bowsonaru held back his stance to "do not overreact to 'light flu'," and caused public opposition by not following the international community's health guidelines.

Even when the number of deaths exceeded China due to poor response, he said, "What do you want me to do? I am a Messias (savior), but I can't do miracles."

Peru's neighboring countries, such as Peru, are worried about the spread of Corona19 from Brazil, saying, "When Brazil sneezes, we get pneumonia."

(Composition: Hwiran Kim, Editor: Seungyeon Park)