What is happening to the overseas Chinese in all countries as the new pneumonia epidemic spreads all over the world? China Overseas Chinese Network (ID: qiaowangzhongguo) specially launched a series of "Overseas Stays" series of manuscripts, telling the story of the "war epidemic" left by overseas Chinese. In this issue, Pi Lili, the Chinese teacher of the Mongolian-Chinese Friendship School, tells us her story of staying behind.

  On the afternoon of January 30, when I was preparing lessons in the office, I received a notice from the leaders of the Mongolia-China Friendship School to start home office. After finishing the job at hand, tidying up the office, organizing documents, and going home.

  Today, I have been working at home for more than three months.

  The school is closed, but the work is not "closed". The harder the moment, the more you have to stand up and do your job.

  My work in school includes: teaching in the third and fifth grades of daily classes, teaching in cram schools, poster design and publicity of events, media platform operations, etc.

  After the school was closed, I started the "cloud" teaching mode. In addition to preparing students for online Chinese tutoring courses, keeping in touch with students and friends on our WeChat group and other media platforms, we also maintain communication with colleagues and leaders.

  My students have two sisters and brothers from South Korea. When the epidemic in South Korea is getting worse, I am very worried about their situation. Through Messenger, I remind them to be more careful and take good care of themselves and their families.

(Photo courtesy of the author)

  When life is not satisfactory, don't stop working hard and moving forward. During the period of working at home, in addition to school work, I also have more time and space for myself, so I set some small goals for myself:

  Exercise in the morning and evening, physical fitness also develops a good habit of exercise; read a good book, write a paragraph of text, immersed in a reflection; then have leisure, then carefully ponder the next life and direction, to be more active Facing the future with an upward gesture ...

  When the mood is low, open up a chat with your family to relieve tension and anxiety in a timely manner.

  Although these days are difficult, I believe that many Chinese workers overseas are fighting against the epidemic at the moment. There are many concerns and blessings at home and abroad accompanying us, and a strong motherland supports us .

  In the blink of an eye, the spring of Mongolia is also here. Birds chirp gently, the sun is warm and bright, and the wind is gentle.

  Miss the enthusiastic friends in the language exchange activity, they are happy to meet and laugh together; miss the students in the class who are serious and dedicated, pinch their brows and bite the pen, and the article is written on the paper in seconds; also miss those simple and pure , Ordinary but not mediocre "normal" days.

  Those difficulties that cannot defeat us will only make us stronger. I believe that we will eventually be able to overcome this epidemic. By then, reunite, meet each other, embrace each other enthusiastically, and watch a galaxy together.

  Author: Pili Li