Large-scale mall reopens in Austria Due to a decrease in the number of new corona infections, 4:38 on May 3

In Austria, in central Europe, the number of newly confirmed coronavirus-infected persons has been declining, and all stores, including large shopping malls, have resumed operations, with entrance restrictions and masks worn at each store. Infection prevention measures such as thorough enforcement are also underway.

The Austrian government has partly relaxed the restrictions on going out that started in the middle of March from the 14th of last month, and from the 1st of this month, it has allowed all shops to restart their business regardless of their store area. .

Many shops reopened in earnest on May 2 after Mayday's national holiday, and we saw many citizens enjoying shopping at the large shopping mall in Vienna.

In order to prevent infections at stores, it is obligatory to cover the mouth and nose with masks as well as shop assistants, as well as visitors, and entrance restrictions are being implemented.

Under the new mitigation measures, sales are permitted even in industries such as barbers and nail salons that are in direct contact with customers.

In the barber shop in Vienna, you should thoroughly disinfect, wear a face shield when you need to keep a certain distance between customers and bring your face close to you, drinks and magazines. We are taking measures such as banning the provision of this from infection prevention.

The barber manager said, "Working styles have changed a lot, which is a big challenge."

Austria is aiming to resume restaurant operations from the middle of this month, but is also making rules, such as limiting the number of people at each table to 4 adults, and in addition to the gradual resumption of economic activities, infection control is an issue. Has become.

Announced guidelines for EU restriction removal and "consider carefully"

The EU = European Union has urged Member States to issue guidelines and consider carefully last month.

As a requirement for the EU to be released in the guideline, assuming that the number of infected people has significantly decreased and the stable condition has continued for a certain period of time, and the infection will spread again, ICU of the hospital = We are demanding that the intensive care unit, the number of beds, the number of personnel be sufficient, and that a thorough examination system be prepared.

No specific numerical value is shown regarding the rate of reduction of infection, the period of such infection, the condition of hospitals, etc., and the judgment is left to each country.

However, in addition to saying that such judgments should be based on scientific grounds, they also demand that the EU be notified in advance that "if restrictions are lifted without adjustment, there may be friction between countries."

In addition, when lifting restrictions, gradually expand the target of lifting restrictions from the regional level based on the situation in the country, continuously monitor the situation, and prepare for resumption of restrictions if necessary. Is recommended.

At the beginning of the EU, the EU repeatedly emphasized the need for coordination among countries in its guidelines, reflecting on the fact that the member countries initially decided to close the borders without coordinating each other and caused confusion and harassment. Therefore, we want to aim for an exit strategy that is orderly for the EU as a whole.

However, each country has different ways of thinking about the issue of being unable to balance infection containment and economic reconstruction at the same time, and each country's response regarding the timing and method of lifting restrictions is broken.