Zoom admitted that it does not have 300 million daily active users, after The Verge noticed that the company quietly modified its blog post.

The original publication stated that the Zoom application has "more than three hundred million active users daily", and that "more than three hundred million people around the world use Zoom during this difficult time."

Zum subsequently removed these references from the original blog, and now replaced them with the phrase "three hundred million participants daily in the Zoom meeting."

The difference between the daily active user and the "meeting participant" is great. You can calculate the participants in the daily meeting several times. For example, if you have five zoom meetings per day, you will be counted five times, while you are counted as an active user once per day regardless of the number Meetings I participated in.

Companies usually use the active user metric to measure service use, while meeting participants only is an easy and somewhat misleading way to inflate the number of service users to appear larger than it is.

The blog was modified on April 24, a day after misleading numbers made headlines around the world, and after The Verge contacted Zoom to comment on these numbers, the company admitted the error, and made the following statement:

A Zoom Blog published on April 22, where the Video Conferencing app announced a 50% increase in the number of users over a three-week period, has been modified and now modified, to say that the company has exceeded “300 million participants per day in the Zoom meeting,” instead of “ More than three hundred million daily active users. " 

The company told the site, "When we realized this mistake, we modified the wording to" participants ", adding that" this came from self-monitoring on our part. "

On the other hand, Google, Microsoft, Facebook and others are still chasing Zoom with new features and free services. Google made free video conference service "meet" this week, and Microsoft and Facebook in their similar programs increased the number of people that you can see at the same time.