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April 28, 2020 "There are 6 days until May 4, you know the decisions of the government, a gradual easing of the containment measures that we have all had to start begins. I remain a convinced advisor of prudence and caution, I think it is necessary to take care of ourselves and our loved ones and that the facts are worth more than our desires. You cannot wait for the risk to be zero to get out of the lockdown, you are right, but we cannot delude ourselves that we get out by underestimating the risks we run. " So Commissioner Domenico Arcuri in a press conference at the Civil Protection.

Mask price set for citizens
"The state must buy all the masks it finds. I set the maximum price in the interest of citizens, I did not set the maximum purchase price. The state must encourage Italian production, as with 'Cura Italia': we reassured the producers who will buy everything they will produce. 105 thanked us, only one had any doubts. " So did Commissioner Domenico Arcuri.

"The state must produce all the masks it can and encourage production, the idea that setting a maximum price lowers the Italian company's ability to produce is superficial or very poorly informed - he adds -. Is it

a war economy? No, It is civic sense. Is it forever? No, until the market is free. It is damage to shameful speculators, I claim it. There will no longer be masks in pharmacies and supermarkets? Of course, none that costs more than 0 ,50 euros".

"I would have a great desire to speak from the trench in which I have been with Dr. Borrelli and our collaborators for 40 days, to talk about the liberals who issue daily sentences from a sofa with a cocktail in hand. But I won't do it, my duty is to work ". Commissioner Domenico Arcuri said this during a press conference at the Civil Protection, arguing with those who "say that the price of the masks is made by the market, sipping their centrifuged".

"Starting Monday, 12 million masks will be distributed per day, if needed, three times the current supply that is greater than the request. And from June we will be able to distribute 18 million, from July 25 million. In September we will be able to distribute at least 30 million a day, eleven times of what we did at the beginning of the emergency, "said Arcuri. "To date we have distributed 4 million masks a day. In the Regions' warehouses there are 47 million of them this morning. Distributed more than they needed and the illuminated Regions have set aside a quota that will serve in times of greatest need for distribution ".