We are in the midst of an ongoing news situation with a great deal of information pressure, which requires the gathering of all news staff. 

Event development differs from the news work we are used to.

We are used to news that takes place in a geographical location, at a certain time and which usually lasts for a limited time.

This is something completely different.

The pandemic has no boundaries. It affects everyone. No matter where in the country you live.

There will come a time for scrutiny

SVT Dalarna's task is to tell us about what is happening now, what the social impact the virus is creating in our county, in our vicinity.

In fact - with so much facts we can get.

And balanced - without frightening up unnecessarily.

In the midst of an ongoing news situation, there is rarely room for scrutiny journalism.

There is still too little facts and secure documentation, although we see that it is starting to come now.

What we do know is that there will be a time for analysis and scrutiny these days. These are the days we will have reason to return.

Visiting ban and hand spirit

The pandemic also affects our news editor in other ways. We are restrictive with visits to the house and no longer accept guests or study visits.

We have also prepared contingency plans for how to get news if many people become ill with us.

Should this happen, we may be forced to merge broadcasts over a larger regional area.

Now, of course, we hope that this will not be the case, but I still want to be open to telling you.

Right now you are more than usual following SVT Dalarna's local news. Local news is more important than ever.

We are humble and grateful for the response we receive daily from you in the audience through tips, pictures of praise and criticism.

Thanks for that.

/ Nina