Hookup + 丨 Xi Jinping uses these "colors" to describe the Great American China

  Chiri Jiangshan Li, spring breeze flowers and grass fragrance.

  On April 20, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into the Shaanxi Niubeiliang National Nature Reserve, caressed the trees, overlooked the distant mountains, and learned about the ecological and environmental protection of the Qinling Mountains. He emphasized that protecting the ecological environment of the Qinling Mountains is of great and far-reaching significance to ensure the longevity of the Chinese nation, to achieve the goal of "two hundred years" and to achieve sustainable development.

  Just at the end of March, Xi Jinping had just visited Anjiyu Village and Xixi Wetland in Zhejiang to talk to everyone about ecological protection, emphasizing that ecology itself is economy, and protecting ecology is developing productivity. The general secretary of the two successive local inspections included the investigation of ecological environment protection in the itinerary, which implies deep meaning.

  "Mountainous forests are dyed together, plains are mixed with blue and green, and urban and rural birds and flowers are fragrant. Such natural beauty not only brings people the enjoyment of beauty, but also the support of mankind towards the future." "Jinshan Yinshan", on many important occasions such as domestic inspections and conferences, painted a beautiful picture of green mountains, blue seas and blue sky, ice crystals and white, mountains, forests, lakes and grasses harmoniously unified.

  CCTV "Lianbo +" specially launched a "color" poster, together with you to appreciate the beauty of the colorful China depicted by the general secretary, to work together to improve the living environment, and to contribute to green development and sustainable development.