China News Service, April 24th, according to the Ministry of Education website, the Ministry of Education Expert Guidance Committee for Mental Health Education Experts on the 24th issued guidance suggestions for strengthening mental health education for elementary and secondary schools nationwide in the new semester. The recommendation points out that long-term professional psychological intervention, referral and support services should be provided for individual teachers and students who have serious psychological problems due to the epidemic situation.

The full text of the recommendation is as follows:

  At present, the situation of prevention and control of the new coronary pneumonia epidemic situation continues to improve, and the epidemic situation is effectively controlled nationwide. Primary and secondary schools in various regions are actively promoting the start of school resumption. In order to better help teachers and students around the world to adapt smoothly to the new semester, and to invest in post-school education and school learning with a more positive attitude, the Ministry of Education Expert Guidance Committee for Mental Health Education Experts provides the following guidance suggestions to primary and secondary schools nationwide.

1. Carry out the work of starting and resuming classes to improve students' adaptability to study and life

  For the possible maladjustment problems of students after enrollment, the school should predict in advance, and reserve the adjustment period in the teaching arrangement. The teaching plan arrangement and work schedule after the school start can be released in advance, so that the students can be informed, reassured and early ready. Guide students to make preparations for the start of school in advance, and increase expectations and confidence in the new semester by preparing items for returning to school and making plans for returning to school. Attend the first class of "Re-study" and spend the first week of the school steadily. Through thematic class meetings on epidemic prevention and control, life safety, and health, students are actively guided to share and summarize their learning experience and growth perceptions during home study and life. Classroom teaching can continue some effective methods in online teaching, helping students achieve a smooth transition from online learning to classroom. For students who really have difficulties in learning, give individualized guidance and help through online and offline channels in time to guide them to adapt to the new learning environment and learning method as soon as possible.

2. Make a good analysis of the mental health status of teachers and students, and formulate a mental health education work plan

  The epidemic situation will have a certain negative impact on the mental health of teachers and students. Schools should conduct a thorough understanding of the physical and mental health of teachers and students before and after school starts, and formulate a targeted mental health education work plan based on the feedback of teachers and students. Through the online survey and online communication before the start of school, fully understand the situation of all teachers and students affected by the epidemic. After the school starts, through the self-reporting of teachers and students, daily observation, professional psychological assessment and other methods, master the specific sources of stress and emotional behavior problems that trouble teachers and students. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the impact of the epidemic on the mental health of teachers and students. There may be long-term and hidden nature. Some psychological stress symptoms will be delayed. The development of foreign epidemics may also cause psychological distress for teachers and students. Pay attention to regular, multiple, and comprehensive control during analysis.

3. Carry out targeted mental health education courses and activities to help students adjust well

  Develop psychology against possible psychological distress (such as excessive anxiety, nervousness, fear, depression, frustration, insomnia, etc.) and behavior problems (such as inattention, irregular work schedule, long-term game play, etc.) Lectures, mental health education classes, peer assistance, group counseling and other activities help students master simple, effective, and easy-to-use psychological adjustment methods. Pay attention to the work of combining students' different age characteristics and personality differences. For elementary school students, encourage them to express them through games, learn to recognize emotions and adjust them; for junior middle school students, encourage them to strengthen interpersonal communication and express through communication Emotions, emotions, and improve positive psychological quality; for high school students, various forms such as team meetings will be used to promote the advanced deeds that appeared in the epidemic, and carry out life education and career education.

4. Provide timely and effective individual psychological counseling for students with greater psychological distress

  Pay attention to and pay attention to the students who are greatly affected by the epidemic, provide them with sufficient emotional, life and academic support, carry out effective psychological counseling, and timely respond to the abnormal situation and report it in time. Pay special attention to students who have psychological problems before the epidemic, carry out follow-up evaluation, combined with previous counseling records, provide preventive psychological counseling to help them maintain their mental health. Special attention is paid to students from key epidemic areas or those with loved ones who are infected with the new crown virus and feel anxiety and stress about it, providing supportive psychological counseling, actively improving their surrounding interpersonal environment, and reducing possible exclusion and discrimination. Special attention is paid to students who have obvious emotional problems, addicted to electronic products or behavioral deviations during the epidemic, provide interventional psychological counseling, conduct behavior correction, and help them return to normal learning life. Pay special attention to students with large emotional fluctuations, provide accompanying psychological counseling, establish peer help groups, assist them to accept and adjust their emotions, and promote their transformation of cognition and optimization of mentality.

5. Alleviate the professional pressure of teachers through various methods, and guide the teaching staff to carry out education and teaching work in an orderly manner

  At the beginning of the new semester, teachers are faced with tasks such as adjusting teaching plans and curriculum arrangements, understanding the progress of students ’learning, participating in school epidemic prevention and control, and helping students to make the connection between home study and school study. The school should coordinate the epidemic prevention and control and education and teaching work, reasonably arrange the workload of epidemic prevention and control, online and offline teaching, class management and other workloads of faculty and staff, so that class teachers and subject teachers will devote more energy to class management and teaching. It is necessary to really care about the mental health of teaching staff, help them solve the problems encountered in teaching and life, and provide psychological support. Organizing teacher activities in appropriate forms encourages teachers to adjust their emotions independently, establish a positive outlook on life and work, improve life satisfaction and career well-being, and also serve as a good role model for students.

6. Provide long-term professional psychological intervention, referral and support services for individual teachers and students who have serious psychological problems due to the epidemic situation

  Continue to pay attention to and track teachers and students whose psychological problems are more serious or last longer and affect normal learning, life and work, and work together with families, class teachers and the community to formulate psychological crisis intervention programs. It is necessary to promote the official resources of psychosocial services to teachers and students, master the methods of seeking professional support from professional medical institutions and psychological assistance institutions, and improve the ability of teachers and students to seek social support. For teachers and students with serious psychological and behavioral problems and mental disorders, the school should protect privacy, set up a standardized disposal process, promptly feed back relevant information to parents or relatives, and refer to professional medical institutions and psychological assistance agencies. Families, communities and medical institutions have implemented various process measures in place.

7. Provide all-round support for students of graduation grades, assist students to prepare for exams with confidence and stability

  The school should provide comprehensive support for education, teaching and psychology to junior and senior students facing the multiple pressures of the epidemic situation, examinations and progression. Schools should promptly explain to teachers, students, and parents the changes in review, examination, voluntary reporting, and enrollment enrollment brought about by the extension of the exam, and answer typical questions from teachers, students, and parents. For example, the overall application and admission work may be delayed, the admission time for new students in autumn may change, and the summer vacation time may be adjusted accordingly. Announce the school's corresponding response measures to remind teachers and students and parents to make psychological preparations in advance. Teachers should do a good job in connecting online and offline teaching, analyze the academic situation in time, adjust the teaching progress in time, and guide students to make reasonable review plans. The school should pay attention to the emotional changes of students, provide emotional guidance before the test, carry out appropriate cultural and sports activities and group psychological counseling, guide students to adjust their physical and mental state, build confidence, and actively prepare for the test.

8. Strengthen authoritative information promotion and publicity and guidance to enhance the positive energy of teachers and students

  Schools should attach great importance to the psychological and conceptual impact of a large amount of information dissemination on teachers and students during the epidemic situation, timely transmit authoritative policy information to students, parents, and faculty members of the school, avoid guessing by teachers, students, and parents, and improve information discrimination and independent thinking ability Reduce anxiety. Through the promotion of volunteer service activities inside and outside the school, learning of outstanding example deeds around the epidemic, the outstanding personnel on the front lines of the fight against epidemic, especially the post-90s, post-00s, the most beautiful and retrograde stories, etc. Reflect the big feelings with small events, help teachers and students absorb positive energy, guide thinking about the relationship between ordinary and great, individual and collective, life and health, shape positive and growing thinking, and enhance collective honor, self-confidence and cohesion.

 9. Pay attention to the combination of epidemic prevention and control with school cultural activities to create a safe, healthy and civilized campus

  The epidemic prevention and control work is an important work for a long time after the beginning of the school. Primary and secondary schools should pay attention to the openness and transparency of the normal epidemic prevention and control work, regularly publicize the knowledge of epidemic prevention and control to all teachers and students, and parents, and announce related work progress. Provide effective communication channels to listen to the opinions and suggestions of teachers and students and parents on school epidemic prevention and control. When a special event occurs, it is necessary to explain and take action in accordance with the principle of "timely, sincere and responsible", actively strive for the understanding and support of teachers and students for the prevention and control of epidemic situation after the school starts, and reduce the insecurities of teachers and students for resumption of school, Avoid interpersonal barriers caused by epidemic prevention and control. Under the premise of meeting the requirements of prevention and control, innovate the form of school cultural activities, which can promote teacher-student exchanges and forms through network platforms, Weibo, WeChat groups, broadcasting, theme lectures, publicity boards, reading corners, role-playing, psychological drama, etc. Explore together to create a warm, harmonious and positive campus atmosphere.

 10. Strengthen home-school communication, guide family education, and assist parents to establish a good parent-child relationship

  Good home-school communication is very important for a smooth return to school. The school should guide the class teacher and teachers of various subjects to do home-school communication, refine the communication content, communication frequency, communication form, and improve the communication process. Parents should be informed of education and teaching arrangements in a timely manner to ease parents ’anxiety and strive for parental understanding and support. Regular online school activities for parents, special lectures on typical problems that trouble parents, such as how to cultivate children's self-discipline and self-learning ability, how to control the use of electronic products, how to communicate with adolescent children, etc., improve parents' scientific parenting and family education Ability to ease family conflicts during the epidemic and assist parents to establish a good parent-child relationship. Special attention should be paid to special groups, such as children of medical staff, migrant children, and left-behind children. They should listen and understand family education issues raised by parents, answer questions, and help parents find solutions.